new tobie
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[Hidden Content] I guess you don't care whether people in this situation can afford the meds with the 800% markup Lumberton Raiderfan.
First of all I really don't care what YOU think. Im just stating that the folks taking up for the big drug companies and big corporations because they provide jobs. making excuses for drug prices and ignoring that the drug companies are paying of politicians. i said that my chemical plant related health problems were a tradeoff for money.
I have lived very good and provided healthcare, food, new cars, new houses, college education for my family from working with chemicals. I do believe that my health problems come from the same environment. Its just a tradeoff for money. I argue on this board because of the folks that just can't afford it. Do you believe the new coal mining jobs are healthy.
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Companies like BP also cause many people to need medications when they pollute the environment and add dangerous products to the food that we consume.
I don't have to buy cars, houses and milk. Medicine is a neccesity. And the price of beans and rice haven'nt changed much.
my only diffrence on (free stuff) is that I believe that some folks deserve help and some on this board believe in not helping anyone. im not trying to help the lazy. im trying to help the person that has worked for 45 years and has retired but can't afford medicine, food, and air condition/heat. or the couple whose child has cancer and they both had to quit their jobs, sell everthing and move to tennesee to take their child to St Jude Research Hospital. Its hard to help the true needy and keep the greedy away at the same time.
I have never mentioned on this board that we need stricter gun laws. That won't solve anything, just need to be aware of idiots that may attain one. I will watch anyone closely that has a gun in their possession even my siblings. The kid in nederland didn't mean to shoot is twin brother . Yet I pray for him and his family .
Can you find anywhere in my statement where I blamed drug prices on trump. I pay high drug prices all of the time. My concern is for the working poor, children and the folks that have worked hard all of their lives and now can't afford them. i repeat myself so that you know I don't condone so called (free stuff)
So all price increases are ok! Entergy should charge as much as they like. We get hot water and air condition in return!
My prices have been going up for 20 years.
Obama is done being president, no need to worry about your guns being taken away.
Remember the Prof Who Said Republicans Should Be Shot
new tobie replied to Hagar's topic in Political Forum
Should Ted Nugent be prosecuted for threatening to kill the president? -
I don't care about who can put money in ,as much as who can take it out. When a bottle of medicine cost $600, we can only count on our government to put big pharmaceutical in check, instead our politicians take big checks from these companies . An elderly person thats on a fixed income may need these meds and can't afford it. Its not fair for them. i don't care about helping free loaders. I do xare about the poor that have worked all of their lives and the working poor.
I think the ammonia from all the cat urine gets to Englebert some times
I never mention where i work or where i live. Doesn't really matter. But bandog chooses to act like his president an attack my personal life. Don't judge what i say and try to determine my wealth. Trump is a prime example of this. I say what i say to counter what you say.
I never said I did. But my industry has hired folks and expanded the whole time he was in office. In 2008 the country had hit rock bottom. First time I didn't get a raise was 2006 and 2007. Like I said before since the trump administration you won't hear me say George Bushes name in a negative way. Blame Dick for anything negative in Bushes presidency. I would replace trump with any Bush right now.
I didn't do the shooting and I don't have a party. I only argue against republicans because the board is so one sided. I don't even own a gun, I look to you gun toting texans to protect me. Although i don't see many stories of gun toting Texans protecting anyone or stopping any violence!
I didn't either, but Im smart enough to know I won't benefit from this one either. I have only benefited from being blessed enough to land a good plant job 30 years ago and my wife being well educated with a business and teaching degree and making good money also. The only time my industry has struggled is after Bill Clinton left office and the republicans took over for 8 years. The petroleum industry has been hiring and expanding since 2009.
The wealth has been spread worldwide for the last 50 years and won't stop anytime soon.
Not that it matters, but you don't know anything about my side of town. I have been working at a major chemical plant for 30 years and my wife is a school teacher. We also own rental properties. My side of town is nicer than any part of your town. Look up Barrington Heights.
Thats exactly what people like Rex Tillerson ex Exxon Mobil CEO will do, spread the wealth around to the wealthy. You are fooling yourself if you think anyone in the middle class will benefit from this group of crooked politicians.
Rush is pure trash and scum, probably have been shootings after listening to his trashy talk show, which is just a shooters pep rally.