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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. Im giving grab um the same treatment that President Obama received.
  2. can you say conspiracy theory!
  3. Im a fan of George Bush since Trump arrived on the seen, I would vote to bring George Bush back right now. Just not that crooked arse Dick.
  4. right back at u !
  5. Trump is a white f....idiot therefore you will see no wrong in anything he says or does. You and your cronies think that trump is not a liar. Same thing, you think trump is a honest christian president when he lies on a daily basis, he has disrespected every republican candidate for president and some of their family members. He has disrespected both bush ex presidents . No living ex president supported him in the election. His wife has naked pictures grabbing her lady parts, but yet they are such an American family. he is surrounded by the biggest group of crooks the history of the presidency. And this supporting President Obama because he is black, I gave Mr Bill Clinton more support during his two great terms as president. Mr Clinton has forgotten more about politics than grab um will ever know. Donald is giving comedians material every time he opens that freakin mouth of his. He probably want keep the presidency for four years and will probably welcome wife #4. He already has 5 kids for three different baby mommas. With Trump we can turn on the news and get the Jerry Springer white house news everyday. Just hope he don't bankrupt us like he has his businesses. Paul Ryan, Steve Bannon, jeff Sessions, thats some scary sh....t.
  6. He had pictures of Putin and Grab um making out!
  7. 25-states-with-kkk-chapters-according-to-the-southern-poverty-law-center White lives matter. Texas is loaded with them.
  8. top states10-states-with-the-most-gun-violence-2015-06-30
  9. 10-buffalo Is Chicago the top city for murder BS. Why must you choose Chicago, I know why.
  10. Been bankrupt four times and married three times. Is a pathological liar, racist and a fat slob, he stinks. Did i mention he stinks.
  11. -Donald-Trump-s-Top-10-Greatest-Lies
  12. 100-lies-and-false-statements
  13. donald-trump liar and racist
  14. donald-trump-racism-history Here's your racist
  15. trumps-record-of-hate-to-date
  16. 15-most-offensive-things-trump-campaign-feminism-migration-racism
  17. [Hidden Content] With this dictator as president. No!
  18. Here"s an original thought. Jeff Sessions is a no good klansman, lying pos from whats becoming the most corrupt administration in the history of politics. If his ears didn't stick out so far he would get his head stuck up grab ums rear.
  19. [Hidden Content]
  20. [Hidden Content]
  21. Mr Obama just flat out kicked mcCain and romneys arse, electorial college and popular vote.
  22. No men in my family have ever said grab um by the p, sir. he was'nt just saying it either, that spoiled b. mean't that
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