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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. its-time-to-demand-donald-trumps-resignation-w486080 The young and the restless has just dropped down to the #2 spot behind the Trump family!
  2. The president is the main example of kids that didn't get that are whipping that they needed.
  3. If you listen to Rush and Klannity....
  4. [Hidden Content] I say to Paul Ryan N......please.
  5. At least I will think of something and not just tune into the Rush show
  6. Just can't bring myself to listen to Newt.
  7. Yu need to lay on somebody's couch!
  8. why don't we just ship all people that kill Americans off.
  9. Unless your a stray dog!
  10. Cheny that is. Trump isn't smart enough to be as crooked as Dick!
  11. Has your owner let you out for a restroom break lately dog.
  12. Beaumont is the #3 city in Texas for murders, none commited by muslims. Most everyday murders in the United States are committed by blacks and whites.
  13. You couldn't, probably the likes of TVC, Bullets and Westend could.
  14. He won't make four years! And i would rather him than President Pence!
  15. You are completely right. Its just mind boggling to think that Trump outsmarted the whole republican establishment. democrats are definately the cause of trump especially since Hillary and Bernie were such bad candidates, hell i would take George Bush Jr over Hillary, Donald and Bernie, minus Dick!
  16. Untill Barrack Obama i have voted for white men for president all of my life. If i had to choose between Obama and Bill Clinton right now, i would vote for Bill. racism has and does still exist by every race, mainly by the race with the largest population. I bet I have more white and minority friends than most of you have black and minority. I do not hate any group of people. not even gays, and i believe everyone should be treated EQUAL.
  17. Hello im Donald J Trump, Not only did I run down my opponents in the republican primaries. i also talked about their wives, kids and parents. i am very good at disrespecting people and creating govermnent jobs for my family. I talked about the ex president because of time spent on the golf course, yet i spend more time their than anyone. I wanted to see a birth certificate , but I will not show my taxes. I should be able to grab any women by the p if I please. I lie my arse off, but my constituents don't even care. In fact my constituents will justify anything that I say or do. That's why i ran under the republican ticket, you do know that i used to be a democrat and was close friends with the Clintons. My daughter Ivanka and Chelsea are still close. When i met my beautiful wife i just grabbed her by the you know what and showed her my bank account. My son Eric thinks that democrats are not real people, should have kept him away from Tagg Romney. my daddy set me up financially in business, after going bankrupt four times i figured it out. ( I'm no John Rockefeller) I would trade Melania for Putin any day. Putin and i would chase each other around the white house in our boxers and socks while listening to Elton John songs.
  18. Someone has to go against the republican establishment. 9 out 10 posters on the site have nothing bad to say about Mr Trump. If Obama did and said the exact things that mr trump has done and said you guys would be complaining every day. no complaints about nothing or nobody republican. all republican congressman, the president, conservative talk show host are all right all of the time. Every white cop is innocent and every black victim is guilty. Everything white and conservative is right. the only time a black is supported is if he or she is conservative are playing a sport.
  19. [Hidden Content] Is Eric Trump and Tagg Romney the same person.
  20. [Hidden Content] Con man
  21. [Hidden Content]
  22. [Hidden Content] A man with a penchant for lying! #mostlyingpresidentever
  23. [Hidden Content] Grab Um is a con man
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