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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. In the words of Bernie Mac, I ain't scared of you.........
  2. Trump and his swamp can def. take credit for hatred being on the rise in America.
  3. Trump hasn't done anything to pay off yet. If it was negative economy news after the first 6 months Obama would be getting the credit. Trump is the most disrespectful man in the history of politics.
  4. You think that your always right and your opinion is the best don't you!
  5. Can you show me a picture of a US president with a noose on?
  6. Hillary is Hillary. Obama is a two term president and will be called President Obama for the rest of his life. Whether you like it or not.
  7. just like that POS Bill Oreilly
  8. My thing is Obama being threatened because he is the president. you think he wasn't a good president , but he won the popular vote and the electorial college twice. Probably could have had a third term running against chump.
  9. Threatening to kill a president should be taken seriously!
  10. did Cathy Griffin actually have Trumps real head in her hand? No, so no story here
  11. [Hidden Content] Nugget who hangs out at the white house was just as bad or worse, saying he would kill Obama
  12. new tobie


    Correct, and thats the advantage, not some of the dumb governors Texas has elected. See Slick Rick Perry.
  13. Attention Muslims are created by the same creator
  14. Some whites would love segregation also. But houses for sale sometimes prevents this.
  15. Most killing by police is done by whites
  16. The polish prime minister has had too many polish sausage
  17. Would stay if I were getting free stuff, but I must go to work .
  18. new tobie


    Will stay in Texas because the gulf of Mexico has blessed Texas with an abundance of jobs. If not for the Gulf Texas would be a ordinary state
  19. They say you can't teach an old republican a new trick.........
  20. Most killing of blacks is done by blacks.
  21. new tobie


    I shouldn't move, Im a free msn and not because of Texans, they fought to keep me from being free. most don't even realize that Texas used to be owned by Mexico .
  22. Most killing in America is done by Americans.
  23. new tobie


    Im sure the crooked arse Texas legislature had their own crooked reasons for doing this .
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