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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. No i don't condone the killing of anyone.
  2. Is Herman Cain your token or Ben?
  3. Nobody has encouraged more crap than the current grab um by the p. Guy
  4. you are guilty of hate and thinking that your opinions are fact
  5. They say it is a pre-existing condition and trumpcare does'nt cover it
  6. The first article from the CONSERVATIVE REVIEW talked about chuck having proof on Russia, so i say Trump didn't need proof on the birth certificate for his minions to follow
  7. many keep touting trump the successful busines man should be able to run the country like a business, so i guess these guys would be good presidents. [Hidden Content]
  8. when you guys won't to bring up BLM, Reverend Wright, Kapernick, The good Reverends, Muslims, Build that wall. Some of these folks learned from the best [Hidden Content] adults fighting four little girls, and this is just one incident
  9. Its folks like you , i won't tolerate racism
  10. No, and its not an excuse but maybe he was tired of all the racism towards him and he let his frustration out. whites portrayed the opposite of rev Wright for at least 50 years. Many whites were rude and hateful for a long time, you folks want to just discuss one side of this issue. Whites did everthing that they accuse blm of today and more because they raped, killed and burn't down entire black neiborhoods. Even harrased 4 little black girls, that their only crime was trying to go to school.
  11. what part of deweyville do you live in
  12. trump pulled the birth certificate crap out of his orange arse for so long, what the heck
  13. [Hidden Content] what a wacko ......and you guys talk about the huffington post yet you get info from wmd
  14. Looks to me like you brought it up first dog. Thinking someone else on this board might be on welfare or something
  15. Trayvon Martin again, that murder is over and done with
  16. I don't work for them. I will give them kudos for not supporting grab um though
  17. Well the American health care act belongs to REPUBLICANS!
  18. Anyone who thinks Obama started the free cell phones don't give a damn about facts.
  19. I like the ACA better than Trump touch your toes care.
  20. Limbaugh is a poison. Piece of trash. Wouldn't be allowed to speak on TV other than Fox news. Along with Glenn Beck.
  21. Trump and the swamp people trying to return limits to how much the insurance companies will have to pay for an illness while screwing folks with pre-existing conditions at the same time. Thanks Trump and Ryan.
  22. [Hidden Content] This is why i believe in the pre- existing condition part of the ACA. Don't care whats done with the rest. It probably can't overcome the politician payouts from the pharmaceutical and health industry
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