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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. [Hidden Content] Deeply divisive and mentally disturbed.
  2. Time for me to go, hate leaving the fun loving bunch! Not running away, just time to go!
  3. I've put videos up of trump lying his arse off and this is just the first 100 days.
  4. And i said against all races, just that blacks were the only ones enslaved. And we won't forget!
  5. It happened, just like President Obama's presidency it happened. He was elected twice.
  6. Well perhaps its just there! I see it everday on the job against every race. Lately a lot against the hispanic community thanks to trump and his worshipers. Like mexican word of the day, is that racist or what.
  7. Its no race card. If you want to believe it is. I don't give a d...
  8. Mr trump drained the swamp and refilled it with professional criminals.
  9. Mike rose up high and crashed hard.
  10. Come on with it. I won't be here tomm. Family time and sunday dinner!
  11. Like your boy and Putin!
  12. In your Dreams. Only in your dreams.
  13. Just mad that a black family lived in the white house for 8yrs and a black man was president for 8years! get over it!
  14. Blacks killing blacks, you guys don't care about that. you should be happy!
  15. Trump thinks its ok for him to hold rally's, but doesn't like rally's against him.
  16. never any talk about chicago untill President Obama came on the seen.
  17. When i meet good people, i don't ever wonder whether they are democrat or republican. We have good people no matter what political party affiliation. I only argue on this board because dem or republican is emphasized and Trump lies, cheats and steals just like all other politicians. you guys try to make him better.
  18. Lets go back 100 years because they are responsible for many deaths, hangings included, destruction, riots and rape. And they still exist today, most don't wear hoods anymore. They hide without hoods on now.
  19. I felt the same way about fox news with all the Roger ailes and bill oreilly fiasco.
  20. [Hidden Content] What race makes up the top hate groups?
  21. [Hidden Content] When everthing is said and done. These folks don't quite care about your party bickering. $$$$$
  22. Just saying he doesn't need the affordable care act and doesn't need nothing from republicans. He gets whatever they get and they will take care of themselves. Plus he gets $400,000 to speak.
  23. [Hidden Content] This is some funney crap here. Don't throw stones in your glass house Flynn.
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