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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. Trump said " no sense in punishing Hillary , she's already been through enough". I take offense to that reasoning. Maybe some others that are in prison had already been through enough also. [Hidden Content] They take care of there own!
  2. Trump lies every day and you don't have a problem with that! President Obama has had one wife and two kids with that one wife. gets a government check for the rest of his life, healthcare that the republicans won't take away. And gets the big bucks to speak whenever and where ever he pleases.
  3. You care what Bernie says now days.
  4. Why the crooked white house insist on holding back info. I guess the next step is to drop a bomb or shoot a missile in order to get the publics attention of of russia again.
  5. When were you off board? If personal attacks is all you got, you must be a liberal. You damn sure can't debate. No only because he is stupid. Would love to see him debate Bill Clinton. And Bill Clinton is white and i like him. He could have whipped trumps arse. #Trumpwillneverbemypresident
  6. I know someone on the orange field school board. Said that they wouldn't subject their kids to the Rush Limbaugh style rhetoric.
  7. No that means treating him and his family with the most disrespect possible! Im on board!
  8. Let's treat trump the same way Obama got treated the last eight years, that's fair enough.
  9. [Hidden Content] the only part of the Affordable Care Act that i was concerned with. The republicans care more about erasing Obamacare than they do about people. Getting rid of the pre-existing clause is a bummer for pre-existing condition patients.
  10. Republicans threatened the same thing for Obama's two elections. And they bought up plenty of bullets for 8 years
  11. [Hidden Content]
  12. And Bill Clinton! Trump To Be Decided!
  13. Yeah, and since Trump and his swamp of crooks took office i would love to have George Bush back, minus Dick. Sorry George Bush, I miss you now. JEB 2020!
  14. because of term limits, 8years is the max
  15. Fox fired oreilly, they could have not fired him because their audience don't care whether the allegations were true or not!
  16. good for klannity, if he is innocent.
  17. Does Soros own fox news, can he make decisions to fire someone at fox
  18. [Hidden Content] The pres lies all the time. Now you go go ahead and compare it to other presidents lying, in order to make it ok.
  19. just thought it was interesting
  20. Seen a lot of he did it first, in elementary school!
  21. Never read where Obama was being sued or has been sued for sexual harrasment ever. The black women that he's married to probably wouldn't let that slide anyhow.
  22. Sexual harassment cases have been popular for many years, what hurts people like O"reilly is that people can go on youtube and watch him saying very crude things about women and blacks which don't help his case. However Bill Cosby went down in flames with just the accusations, can't find him on youtube downing anyone. Cosby had a new show with NBC and a few comedy shows planned when his allegations came out. I loved to watch Cosby , but I can't defend him.
  23. Seems Trump definitely would have used it during the campaign. But....... You never know politicians do lie and may seem fake sometimes to meet their objective.
  24. why isn't Fox News covering this story
  25. I still need a little more convincing about this story. Unlike Trump saying that he could just grab women by the ......I saw and heard this myself. And he wouldn't do this to any of the women in my family. So I wouldn't believe the pedophillia story even if it was about trump without more eveidence.
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