the 1% throw money around to politicians more than ever. Its all about money. If insurance cost less I save money. If they cut taxes i save money, if the cost of products goes down , I save. Their are many ways that the decisions of an administration can add are take away from my bank account. The trickle down effect does'nt seem to work very well only because it doesn't trickle down far enough. Time will surely tell.
I have never complemented Obama on a job well done, just defend him against stupidity. Make America Great Again and grab um by the .......while your at it.
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205,000 +383000. If Obama does nothing i think he's set up as for as retirement money goes and healthcare. Republicans screwing folks with pre-existing conditions will not affect obama.
probably so, the diffrence is I will admit it and you wont. Obama didn't add to my bank account and neither will Trump with the direction he is going. [Hidden Content]