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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. [Hidden Content] looks like white women are going after Klannity next.
  2. the 1% throw money around to politicians more than ever. Its all about money. If insurance cost less I save money. If they cut taxes i save money, if the cost of products goes down , I save. Their are many ways that the decisions of an administration can add are take away from my bank account. The trickle down effect does'nt seem to work very well only because it doesn't trickle down far enough. Time will surely tell.
  3. I have never complemented Obama on a job well done, just defend him against stupidity. Make America Great Again and grab um by the .......while your at it.
  4. [Hidden Content] 205,000 +383000. If Obama does nothing i think he's set up as for as retirement money goes and healthcare. Republicans screwing folks with pre-existing conditions will not affect obama.
  5. Oreillys mouth got him fired!
  6. You let me know if government shrinks this year! And they will not laugh in my face, people do that when hiding behind a keyboard.
  7. probably so, the diffrence is I will admit it and you wont. Obama didn't add to my bank account and neither will Trump with the direction he is going. [Hidden Content]
  8. [Hidden Content] They all do things to help companies. Thats why the middle class is deteriorating.
  9. So buffet wants to keep his trains moving instead of using a pipeline, what does adelson want in return for his donations.
  10. I have many white friends that are republican. other than politics we pretty much think the same. Do you have any liberal black friends?
  11. just a reminder. They wanted to make america great again, but failed.
  12. I dislike Pelosi and Reid as much as I dislike Mitch and Ryan. Just diffrent flavors of no term limit wacko's.
  13. The south lost, PERIOD.
  14. Brady chose his wife over shaking hands with a crook. She is helping to organize a protest on April 29th.
  15. You follow Rush, hannity and Oreilly............
  16. Warren Buffet was already filthy rich. how about Sheldon Adelson trying to buy Donald Trump the presidency. Why?
  17. Never see the Superbowl Loser bragging on their performance
  18. I will make money here even though the south is 0-1. Running around be proud of a losers flag.
  19. One needs to think like Englebert to be classified as good
  20. speaking of my 18year old daughter being honest, guess you don't understand ebonics
  21. good job humperdinck
  22. Bill is just saying what fox viewers want to hear. $$$$$$$$$$$
  23. [Hidden Content] Tom Brady is a smart man!
  24. [Hidden Content] Some of the waste in your first 100 days is spent on your family Donald. #Tomuchgolf #BringMelaniaandBarrontothewhitehouse
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