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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. I wonder if being on the left or right determines where you go in the afterlife. Maybe how we treat ALL people determines that.
  2. Dylan Roof held himself responsible for his acts. Does he deserve praise for it. Was he republican or democrat. smfh.
  3. How about crimes, murders and rape ect. Committed by non muslims. I wonder what the statics say. No one ever speak much about the Oklahoma city bombing for example, but love to bring up muslim acts. All nationalities have the same creator.
  4. Being a Christian and deeming oneself a Christian is two diffrent things. Many folks deem themselves christians.
  5. This isn't a party thing. There isn't a party free of corruption, greed, ignorance and the ability to be arseholes.
  6. Holding himself responsible after getting caught is not a great thing. Kinda like the presidents locker room talk. Never heard none of the grown men in my family talk that way.
  7. Or your attitude towards Mr Obama
  8. You folks put fox news on a pedestal, so when they get caught with their pants down, like the nasty old man Oreilly, so be it.
  9. Trump is batsh...t crazy!
  10. Russia scandal is a "bend over Trump operation"
  11. I pay $250 per month to help a relative with pre-existing conditions pay for the affordable care act. $250 is the total, nothing free. if the pubs have their way it would cost a $2000 due to pre-existing conditions and we won't be able to afford it. hopefully Paul Ryan leaves his social security alone.
  12. [Hidden Content] clean your act up fox
  13. [Hidden Content] nasty bast...
  14. How about Trump and his grabbing women by the .......attitude ......just grab um
  15. Obama hasn't been accused of abusing women
  16. keep supporting that abuser of women!
  17. Thats why Megyn Kelly and Gretchen fled....
  18. Michael went to trial, Bill is going to trial. Oreilly and good old Roger just paying their accusers off for now to avoid trial
  19. Zimmerman approached a kid, i would have stuck his gun where the sun don't shine.
  20. He has to improve to gain just idiot status!
  21. [Hidden Content] The men of fox news just don't give a ............
  22. In like Flynn......
  23. Although most on this board don't believe that Republicans lie!
  24. All links aren't facts! When we post videos of these politicians lying their arse off, now that's another thing.
  25. We all have opinions!
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