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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. A person works all of his or her life, becomes seriously ill and can't afford the medication and/or treatment. Thats my argument. Paul Ryan is trying to cut pre-existing conditions out of the aca as we speak. Then he wants to screw with MY SSA.
  2. Im for folks carrying, might even protect me one day. Just don't George Zimmerman me.
  3. The Healthcare industry wants to sell medication period. Someone finds a cure, would probably get cement shoes.
  4. The pubs control all gov. So why not just repeal. If the government needs to stay out of Healthcare.
  5. You must have never been seriously ill, if you believe the health care system in the united states doesn't need attention. If you google countries with the best Healthcare systems, the United States doesn't make the top ten.
  6. Don't believe everything that Sean Klanity says
  7. Halliburton bought one politician. And it paid off for them.
  8. We all know which party the KKK supports in 2017. They are well represented.
  9. So in 2018 and 2020 more changes could be coming!
  10. if the truth came out we would be saying President Pence.
  11. Prices of medication and healthcare services were already out of control, a person with pre-existing conditions would pay higher insurance premiums on top of the high prices. Pubs control all branches of government. Repeal and stop your cronies from making record profits on healthcare.
  12. Benghazi attack, weapons of mass destruction..........maybe Hillary, Bush and Cheney should be jailed
  13. Lebron took a hard endorsement hit for supporting Hillary
  14. What warren Buffet and Bill Gates give every year must really exite you then
  15. Reminds me of when we were kids, when someone got in trouble , they would say ........did it too.
  16. They know that we will vote again in 2018 for their jobs
  17. Overpriced drugs that are used for cancer and other chronic illnesses are way overpriced and politicians ignore it because they are being paid off. If they wanted to help working folks and the elderly, fix the healthcare system, stop supported big healthcare business. be a hero for the people FIX healthcare problems.
  18. Trump is a snake oil salesman!
  19. Its only racist if you don't like it. Obama had more racist crap said about him than any president ever and you were very quiet about it. When i was young people could make racist remarks on the job and get away with it. now companies will fire your a.. for racist remarks. Look at videos of Trump rallies and listen to the racist rants, ridiculous. can't find videos of racist crap at Clinton's rallies!
  20. [Hidden Content] #biggestliarever
  21. So you agree that the same folk decided it was time for Mr Obama to be president, not once but twice?
  22. Dems need treat Trump the way that pubs treated Obama
  23. [Hidden Content];
  24. I agree that all four of those Mitch's suck
  25. What time is the vote today. Ryan said it would definitely be today, and the pres said that they didn't vote today and vote his way that he would walk away from it. surely they were not lying again!
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