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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. I don't need the government to give me anything. I provide many funds to the government so that it may function. I expect things like social security, which I have paid into for many years. I expect some worker rights also. Its not just about corporations, its a give and take. Because of some laws that have been passed, some companies have been doing more taking than giving. I am not a veteran, but i am concerned about the treatment they have received from their current or previous employer. Bush, Obama, Trump........what matters in the end is results. The government needs to remember that they are employees of the Taxpayers, whether the taxpayer is poor or rich.
  2. I didnt read the article, but anyone that doesn't believe that both parties lie, have mental issues. And when it comes to lying they are closer to equal than most want to believe. The last 16 years were controlled by a pub and a dem. What did we learn from 2007 and 2016. Look at how much money rich folk spend on elections!
  3. Trump will get credit from me if my life improves because of his presidency. I also care about the elderly folks and the working poor. Everyone receiving government assistance isnt abusing the system and I don't mind some of my tax dollars going in that direction. The majority of politicians are not out to help the blue collar working folks, elderly, hungry children ect. Also Military spending needs to include folks that have and folks that are serving, not just on the latest and greatest equipment
  4. [Hidden Content] LIAR IN CHIEF
  5. you do remember that pubs had the white house the eight years before Obama and nothing spectacular happened for the middle class.
  6. new tobie


    Trumps approval rating is very lowwwwwwwww
  7. new tobie


    You need proof of trump lies. I don't need proof of Obama's. All politicians lie. I've met homeless acholholics that have more integrty than congress and the prez
  8. Learned from the pub best. You folks want proof of Trumps lies
  9. new tobie


    Nothing on Comey's investigation. Nothing on Trump lying about wiretapping
  10. If someone turned the teleprompter off, grab um by the.......would be in deep....
  11. He shoots from both sides of his mouth
  12. Trump is a uuuuuuuuuge Liar and a buffoon. His wife is using the kids school to stay away from his antics
  13. new tobie


    Republicans dont complain about Republicans. Right or wrong. Folks on this board will ask for an example of Trump lying. Smgdh
  14. new tobie


    I like to turn Hannity and some of the other conservative quacks on sometimes to match their catch phrases with the ones on this board.
  15. And how did President Obama get the conversation between Jeff Sessions and the Russian Ambassador that Sessions conveniently forgot about!
  16. If America is ever great again. It will be because of the man upstairs.
  17. Trumps folks need to repeal the aca or replace it with a plan that helps people, not doners and pharmaceutical companies. A new thought, lets help folks that can't afford to pay you greedy bast.....s off. And greedy bast......s goes for republicans and Democrats. Trumps, Obama's, Bushes and Clintons
  18. Trumps new wall needs to be far enough underground to block tunnels. Even dogs know to dig tunnels to get out.
  19. We cut meals on wheels, so next lets cut funding for melania and her child to live in another state. Although I understand the real reason why she wants too.
  20. you guys that dont like any muslims, better stay out of the Medical Center in Houston
  21. I compare when you guys take a group like black lives matter, I bring up when white lives matter was more active. Like for instance Trump lies just as much as any lying politician, but you guys won't ever bring up any of the lies. No president in my lifetime has come up with some of the outrageous things that trump has said and done.
  22. first of all, THEY are just a group of university of Michagan students. No sense in grouping a whole race in the nonsense by bathrooms and water fountains remark. We have many white groups also that do ignorant things that you might not want to be grouped with "they didn't seem to like that last time"
  23. [Hidden Content]
  24. blacks only make up 12 or 13% of the country and all of them don't vote. so therefore whites are the majority in any presidential election. both sides
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