I don't believe in free stuff for people that don't want to work. i just have compasion for young children and our elderly folks and vets that are living in poverty.
ok heres a few: he said he would prosecute his friend Hillary.
He said mexico would pay for a wall. lies about wiretapping at trump tower. waaaaaaaaaay to many lies to list, thi list is uuuuuuuuuuuuuuge.
Trump just cut funding for meals on wheels and free school lunch. Lets make kids, elderly and disabled vets hungry again. Hillary hit the nail on the head with the deplorable comments
if we investigate the current president and all living ex presidents, we would have to put them all in jail except Jimmy carter. trump probably want even want a second term after all the money him and his family will swindle from this presidency. you guys would be outraged if obama would have had his daughter and son in law involved in white house business.
non black immigrants that came here through Ellis Island, came with suit cases. they came as free people with rights. Even when slavery ended blacks didn't have equal rights. The american terrorist could kill a black and get away with it.
slaves were immigrants? How ignorant is Ben. Slaves came here chained together on the bottom of ships against their will. Slaves were raped and had the flesh beat off of them by american terrorist!