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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. According to prez Chump she just reports fake newz
  2. Im looking at the things you guys talk about for weeks and the things you barely mentioned.
  3. I never said it did. But you guys believe that the only good black folks are black republicans
  4. We have more handout money going to the chump family, congress and chumps golfing trips than we have going to food stamps and free housing. You don't even want to know those facts.
  5. Sure he did, what Kap did was worse than what Dylan Roof did according to the responses on this board!
  6. You are a liar, You guys just have a problem with muslim terrorist and not domestic terrorist. I just said that Dylan roof kills 9 black people and gets a #3 at Burger King. A unarmed black man gets shot dead sitting in his car on a traffic stop. The End!
  7. Keep trying to make the most disrespectful man in the history of the presidency the greatest since reagan , lets see how this term ends.
  8. I have seen pictures of memebers of congress not standing for the anthem. Your anthem crap is bs, and i have always stood. If i decided not to, nobody can stop me.
  9. Kinda like going to church every sunday after doing wrong monday thru sat. Doesn't make them no better than anyone else. the klan stood for the anthem, then went and hung black guys and raped their wifes and children.
  10. I am prejudiced against many BLACK republicans. My ancestors suffered to much at the hands of hateful whites for that type of foolishness.
  11. I don't hate white people, i like Bill clinton more than I do Obama and all black republicans
  12. I thank educated white America for electing a black man to the presidency the maximum amount of times that he could be elected
  13. Do you stand for the national anthem at home
  14. I guess the NYC terrorist didn't get Burger King like Dylan Roof. kill 9 blacks and you get a burger, fries and a pepsi!
  15. You guys are so upset about kaperniks peaceful protest. Yet you live in an area where they fought against and killed people in their own country and created a their own flag to celebrate it. kapernik hasn't harmed anyone. The south went to war and killed their own people, then erected statues in honor of the murderers. You guys celebrate m..... like Robert e Lee.
  16. You guys have never gave a sh.... what Donna brazile had to say but any black thats against dems you guys suddenly take interest in what she has to say. I can win an election around here just on Obama hate.
  17. [Hidden Content]
  18. [Hidden Content] #1 idiot
  19. Donald Duck just surpassed Donald Chump in popularity.
  20. Im no longer concerned with Obama, anything that happens he will always be President Obama, 8 years is the limit on the presidency or he would probably be on his third term. Chumps presidency won't affect Obama because he is setting things up for the rich and his family. Obama doesn't need the affordble care act. He gets to play golf and give speeches on the governments dime. Chump won't have to worry about anyone asking him to give speeches, except hate groups. Chump will be lucky to finish his four years because of his trashy little mouth and his little twitter hand.
  21. Thats why most have left it
  22. a well versed one sided individual that will not call out anything in his party
  23. [Hidden Content]
  24. I listen to this idiot prez more than i do anyone, because its so unbelievable!
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