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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. Texas has more hate groups than any state and they aren't muslim. Instead they are fake christians.
  2. Are all muslims deserving of hate. The largest hate groups in Texas are...........
  3. All I know is the guy that thinks its ok to grab women in their private parts because of his wealth, better secure them taxes. The guy that repeatedly asked for Obama's birth certificate, better keep hiding them taxes. Most corrupt group of wannabe Christians ever. Costing taxpayers money because Melania is tired of sleeping with the orange baboon. The vp better keep the movers on speed dial.
  4. The day doanld won the electorial college
  5. you defend donald grab um trump!
  6. he was hired to represent and protect the Bisd community, not the African American community.
  7. Trump disrespected ted Cruz's wife and father. An the idiot still fell in line
  8. you guys seem to ignore trumps lies and the disrespect that he has shown towards his own party memebers and their spouses even. My grandfather would have been whipping trumps....everyday with that foul disprespectful mouth of his
  9. George W was not so bad after all. Now Dick C would eat these chumps in office now for lunch. Dick was the master of evil.
  10. you started this black white thing with this comment
  11. I am not concerned with Obama, he has health insurance and retirement for life from our government. he will also be President Obama for the rest of his life. Whatever happens to us probably won't affect him or his family.
  12. have you seen a doctor about your condition
  13. besides I'm sure that I have more white friends than you have minority friends
  14. Ask the folks with pre-existing medical conditions, ask hispanics, muslims and women that don't like being grabbed in the crotch.
  15. Trump cheated on Ivana with marla, then cheated on marla with melania and cheated on melania with putin.
  16. sex with underage kids by a former president and first lady?
  17. [Hidden Content]
  18. I believe Trump has a thing for Ivanka, he said that if she wasn't his daughter.........
  19. where did you hear this from.
  20. What year we need to return to for this to happen?
  21. I like Hillary and Bill, both of them are white
  22. Colored is an offensive word used mostly by folks in the south
  23. trump family spending is totally out of control
  24. Ivanka's product sales were tanking at Nordstroms before they drop kicked her.
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