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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. trump has something to hide with his tax returns......grab um
  2. With the money that this Trump administration is wasting we could aford free healthcare for those in need
  3. Do you folks believe that gay only comes in liberal flavor. Their were Republican presidents that some claimed to have had gay tendencies.
  4. Compared to your 19000. Yes Get a life dude. Do something positive for society, even if its just the Republican society.
  5. I seem to not like most republicans because 95% of hate on this board is against dems. It would be very foolish to think all folks from a political party, race or gender is always wrong and the other is always right. Throw in religion also.
  6. Made a mistake Don't have the message board experience that you have. I am a occasional user.
  7. Where did you hear this fact
  8. Jimmy Carter probably the most honest president. He has been helping folks since he left office. Yet hateful folks tend to disrespect him. Most of these folk consider themselves christian also.
  9. Fox news and cnn. Some folks really believe that one is dishonest and one is not!
  10. Obama can play all the golf he wants
  11. Everyone an immigrant unless they are indian
  12. Trump playing golf again this weekend. I know this angers you pubs. Golf, lying and grabbing
  13. Its Trumps presidency now, pray that we survive it
  14. Late night comedians are extremely happy
  15. Scapegoat
  16. They would try.
  17. Barrack Obama will be PRESIDENT OBAMA for the rest of his life and will be provided with healthcare and salary also
  18. I heard a lady the other day, while spanking her son. Saying "stop acting like President Trump "
  19. Trump will fail on his own
  20. Trump definitely cares more about Hillary than Baddog
  21. I said he needs to start playing it. Because its his destiny.
  22. Not going to. If You believe that Trump doesn't lie every day. I can't convince you.
  23. Nugent needs to start playing highway to hell
  24. Gay acts between these two. No doubt
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