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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. Alternative Facts come from grab um's little tramp messenger
  2. You probably can't see them with your blinders on
  3. Trump fired Flynn to stop folk from looking into his corruption.
  4. He would have to fire his friends and family
  5. Conspiracy. You just as well be watching the young and the restless.
  6. And all of the lies that you people tend to ignore. This is one arrogant, lying, in bed with putin pos.
  7. [Hidden Content]
  8. [Hidden Content]
  9. [Hidden Content] If this was the Obama's you guys would have commented 300 times by now. If Barrack would have said grab um by the .... and his wife would have posed nude you guys would have never let these things go. Not to mention the cost for melania and barron to stay in washington.
  10. Trump has told so many lies even he can't keep up with them. Very disrespectful piece of a man that wants respect but can't give it. Picked wife beater Bannon and klansman sessions for his cabinet .....pathetic. Grab um....
  11. Why did his boss get rid of him?
  12. illegals can't vote or receive welfare.
  13. If Flynn did nothing wrong , Trump wouldn't have asked him to step down. Unless he was a SCAPEGOAT.
  14. Hillary is old friend that he pardoned, he never planned on doing anything after he won the election. HYPOCRITE
  15. You can stick a fork in Mike Flynn.
  16. Grab um let this issue slide also!
  17. Trump will immediately go after Nordstroms, tweeting away. Stays quite on Flynn untill they make sure all lies are the same. Grab um!
  18. [Hidden Content]
  19. The President lied about prosecuting her, Oh....thats right he said that she had already been through enough. Good excuse to sweep a so-called crime under the rug. Grab um!!!!
  20. Trump is ready to replace crooked Flynn with David Betray-us!
  21. Keep defending Trumps lies This is his baby now.
  22. While Trump is tweeting against Nordstrom about his daughters failed product line. Down goes Flynn ..
  23. Melania Trump posed naked, if Mrs Obama had done that we would have never heard the end of it. The President talked about grabbing women by the .... No tweets about the Flynn situation. This will be an interesting 4 years if the country can survive it. This is looking like the most lying, disrespectful administration in history. Needless to say its almost impossible for Trump to keep his campaign promises. Keeping up with Trump lies is a full time job. I want be on here much. Way to many hypocrites that will defend this administration to the end
  24. Are we not interested in Benghazi anymore or sending Hillary to prison? The president himself said that she has been through enough? Do we let ordinary people get away with crimes because they have been through enough. I saw a quote the other day that read "Ordinary people fighting over politicians that don't give a damn about ordinary people".
  25. Dak better enjoy, won't be any awards for him next season
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