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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. Besides Charles Haley was the first player to get 5 superbowl rings.
  2. [Hidden Content] Don't act like todays looting is something new
  3. Like I said before and you may look it up. Whites burned entire black communities, beat folks and hung them from trees, raped black women. Don't act like this looting is a new thing!
  4. Bunch of hypocrits. Taking care of people with pre-existing conditions to draining the swamp. all lies. The most Lying, disrespectful, president in history. The first lady has posed naked....smh. When they found out they Vanessa Williams had posed naked in the past they took her crown.
  5. new tobie


    Its amazing that so many ordinary people spend much of their time fighting for politicians that don't give a ___K about ordinary people! Will our taxes go down? Will insurance premiums drop? Will the cost of groceries, gas, education, homes are automobiles go down? The answer is NO!
  6. No comments
  7. [Hidden Content]
  8. Marion is just that good!
  9. Barrack and Michelle Obama will be President and first lady for the rest of their lives and get paid with tax payer money. We are on message boards. (some way more than others). president of the united states for eight years is a major accomplishment! Thanks Obama for not saying and doing the embarrasing things that this president elect has done and will continue doing. In my neighborhood trump was have stayed with an a.....whipping by parents and other kids.
  10. Obama won two terms and spent 8 years in the white house. The jury is still out on Grab um.
  11. What kind of favors did Mr Trump give for the carrier deal
  12. I will move to sports side only, your right. lost cause here!
  13. [Hidden Content] You guys only focus on Chicago because that's where that ............is from!
  14. How i live my life will not change for these four years, nice home and cars, plenty to eat. No cheating on my spouse like the president elect. No disrespecting women like the president elect.
  15. Just saying what is obviously true, its only happened twice in my lifetime, winning the popular vote and losing the election. Which pubs benefited both times, just sayin!
  16. no matter what the gun laws are in chicago, their will be murders. the only thing that will change with guns now are less sales of guns and ammo
  17. It doesn't mean anything, just more people in the United States voted for Hillary.
  18. Chicago has been having murders since the 60's and they will continue through the next four years maybe even worse.
  19. because the pubs needed more than florida to defeat obama
  20. I don't need government assistance either Steve, But would have loved to have been set up in business like Trump was by a rich father.
  21. I think the electorial college is fine. Obama didn't have no problem winning with it twice. Clinton was a flawed candidate, and trump probably rigged the florida results just like the pubs did in 2000 with florida.
  22. Trump lost the popular vote, Period!
  23. First of all, trumps method of draining the swamp is removing crooked dems and replacing them with crooked pubs that call themselves christians but hate anybody that's not exactly like them. Trump will not prosecute Hillary,( see lock her up....lock her up....) they will go back to being rich friends again. The Afordable care act will not be abolished on day 1, as previously stated. Trump is already planning to keep the good parts. the wall wether it is built or not won't keep illegals out, but will provide temporary work for the illegals that get to stay. Trump only will send back the ones that have commited crimes (and that doesn't vote anyway). Probably will start a war with some country. May try to do somethings for the veterans. The amount of veterans, disabled vets and diseased vets will increase because of this regime. The country will definately be more divided than under obama with pubs running everthing. Hopefully my company will survive 4 yrs. Remember 2008! We cannot improve all the things that pubs want to, pay for existing and new wars, rebuild the military and cut taxes also. The lip service was fun while it lasted. last but not least, hope nothing happens to trump because we don't want Pence or any other pub with the president's job, Trump is the best of the crop with pubs. Trump will set his family up financially for many generations with the money deals he will make with foreign countries and the rich in the USA. Just like other presidents except Jimmy Carter.
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