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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. What about tunnels and the gulf of mexico
  2. if the so called lies were about obama you wouldn't say a word
  3. [Hidden Content] gonna give trump a chance, he's gotta know that he won by electorial college and that the vote of the american people didn't elect him.
  4. I witnessed the 2008 recession myself
  5. Republican celebs also said they would move to canada if Obama won in 2008 and 20012. Don't act like all of this is new.
  6. [Hidden Content] Don't act like republicans didn't protest when Obama won, they protested for 8yrs. And their protest was much worse than the protest for trump. they had racial signs against Obama's whole family, even calling him a jungle bunny. Comparing his wife to a gorilla,
  7. gotta go eat dinner and spend time with the wifey! Tobie Out!!!
  8. No race card, slavery happened and the KKK is the largest hate group in Amerikkka!
  9. Well my computer time for the day is almost up!
  10. I only voted against Sarah Palin and Romney
  11. It will be hard for Trump to stay in the white house for four years and put up with eddie munster and Mitch Mconnells BS. He probably want run for re-election.
  12. Do you really want me to post a trump video of him making fun of handicap folks and discussing grabbing women by the crotch.
  13. I go to church and treat people well. And i like all people muslim, hispanic white, black and asian. Don't like hate groups of any race. I cant speak for Obama or Clinton.
  14. Obama won two elections. If Trump stays away from the far right, he may have a chance also.
  15. Republicans claim to be christians all the time, especially the ones with the hoods.
  16. just looking at the positives, Trump not being from Texas is one of them.
  17. President Bill Clinton, George Bush Jr, Barrack Obama. Nothing has changed at my residence.
  18. Since donald wants to save the pre- existing condition part of the affordable care act. I'm cool. Nothing else will change for the working man in four years.
  19. [Hidden Content] video disappeared
  20. [Hidden Content] Hot first lady though!
  21. you guys talk negatively on New Yorkers but the President is a New Yorker. Since The Casino and strip club mogul, with his playboy centerfold posing wife will be occupying the white house. And after all of the bigotry, lying. bullying and lewd remarks, you republicans can cut the christian BS.
  22. Trump won this election by not listening to republican leaders. That's what Mcain and Mitt did.
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