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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. Don't care what anyone on this board thinks.
  2. not a follower. don't think trump will be with the pubs either. He will listen to his family before he listens to the hateful rhetoric of the republican party. Trump was once a dem, said that it would be easier to run as a pub. he once complimented both clintons and invited them to his wedding. Trump is a New Yorker, don't ever forget that. His son once said the presidency is a downgrade in lifestyle for his dad. trump would prefer living in his palace in manhattan. Doubt he would ever vacation to Texas.
  3. the smoke that got blown up your.....
  4. we will never know about the gun issue, but i bet you have been coughing up smoke for quite some time
  5. Trump needs to drop kick eddie munster from speaker of the house and show him who's boss
  6. you folks and your gun fears
  7. for the last time, a president cannot take away guns kids
  8. Slavery has happened. Guns have never been taken away.
  9. I don't smoke anything
  10. No one was ever gonna take your guns!
  11. Hillary said that if she was elected if you like your assault rifle you can keep it.
  12. Many of the politicians did the same thing Steve, including Trump himself and Obama. So why can't I. I have nothing to gain or lose. Many of the politicians do. Most folks that put in for a job promotion are not doing it for the company. Only for their well being. Politicians look out for themselves, the majority of them.
  13. Do you realize that no president can take away guns. Congress has to vote, not all dems in congress would vote for that. Probably less than half.
  14. Congress desperately needs this. Even republican congressman! Some of these folks have been there 30+ years and have accomplished nothing.
  15. Do you realize that no president can take away guns. Congress has to vote, not all dems in congress would vote for that. Probably less than half.
  16. Legal or illegal? Does it matter as long as she's really hot.
  17. I only stay in Texas because I have 30yrs in with my job. When I retire I would like to live where the air is somewhat cleaner and the view is nicer. Don't really like the dirty south. I would move no matter who was president. Never liked Texas.
  18. The rioting was reults of the hateful things that trump promised to do in order to get pub votes. If Obama would have made those type results he wouldn't have been elected. Dems and pubs say whatever it takes to get elected. Will anything change at my house with trump as president, probably not. Except for all of the insurance money savings from getting rid of the affordable care act.
  19. Trump will not allow his pub cronies to get rid of the pre existing condition clause of the aca. He wont be pushed around by the greedy insurance companies. Trumps family will be helping him and they didn't grow up in the dirty south.
  20. As a chemical plant worker, i look forward to Trump cutting 70% of regulations. Will make my last few years easier. Then i will finally get to secede my family from texas to colorado. I am also glad that Trump is a New Yorker and not from the south. His son eric impressed me when he said that David Duke needed a Bullet to the head.
  21. The first wall he must build is around himself to keep putin out
  22. [Hidden Content] Membership has trippled since election day
  23. Financially Obama has it made. Government check for life and President for life. Obama Presidential library. The Obama foundation. Paid speaking engagements when he needs some extra change.
  24. with a republican majority house and senate lets see how many campaign promises that Mr Trump keeps! I have thought about it and can't wait until the affordable care act is abolished so that I can start collecting all of my insurance savings. I have already started making a list of things to buy with the extra money.
  25. Yeah i thought it was a decent article for someone like you.
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