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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. Hannity's mouth should be monitored by the epa for it's toxicity
  2. I emphasize hannity. He is a clown.
  3. I dont like jessie jackson. I wouldn't like hannity if he were my brother. He is just s..t sorry.
  4. Just in.......the lumberton ledger is endorsing trump
  5. Klanity lies for money
  6. Biggest liar on tv
  7. What if Hillary calls you the "N" word dog.
  8. ........charlie daniels. If pubs were winning they wouldn't be discussing the media
  9. Al Gore was just robbed. Bush, Cheney rigged that situation in the state where the candidates brother was governor. Two different situations. Not many times did a candidate win the popular vote and lose the election.
  10. I wonder if when trump invited Hillary to his wedding was it done by email.
  11. do it...............secede please........
  12. Just heard about trump writing several books. They all ended at chapter 11.
  13. I have seen the idiots on video, i have seen the hateful signs. I hsve heard trump supportors call the president the n word. Did hillarys paid folks do that.
  14. Especially thugville aka dallas cowboys!
  15. The pope could start riots at a donald trump rally. Many idiots there.
  16. [Hidden Content]; Obstruction!
  17. What do you think Make America Great Again means, I know and I'm to old to pick cotton.
  18. Caitlyn Jenner just announced that trump violated her when she was bruce.
  19. How many of these people running for president of the united states, Oh.......just trump!
  20. Texas already was part of an arse kicking in the civil war
  21. I've seen many racist signs and language at trump rallies. Look it up for yourself
  22. Look at video of trump rallies and obama rallies and tell me whose racist snd causing division
  23. That's not what i said. I condemned them both. But whether something happened 10yrs ago or 100yrs ago, both are the past, we can't pick and choose
  24. Obama is not to blame for rasicm parents are. Don't think that Obama's kids are racist but I've heard plenty of racists remarks against them. And I'm sure that's ok
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