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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. Should we talk about bill or trumps past then
  2. Just in Bill Cosby endorsing Trump
  3. Make America Hate Again! Thanks trump and trump supporters!
  4. [Hidden Content] The most hateful group of folks!!!!
  5. Just heard about trump writing several books. They all ended at chapter 11.
  6. [Hidden Content]
  7. Hannity is the lowest of all talk show scum!
  8. their are people that didn't get paid by Mr trump. Its not his own money! And i have said that im not voting for clinton, what don't you understand about that phrase.
  9. I included Hillary, you guys can't handle the truth that Mr Trump is! Grabbing women..........
  10. I just said they could learn from KIng, where did you attend school!
  11. They could learn from Martin Luther King right ?
  12. Trump response to his women's situation. I'm sorry, but Bill Clinton did it to!
  13. My personal opinion when it comes down to it. We all have um. We just don't respect the opinions of others anymore. Everyone wants to be right. Hillary and Donald are deplorable. I can admit that!
  14. You bragg on his business skills, doesn't mean he is good at everything. He's failed at business multiple times.
  15. If you think trump is the answer, can i interest you in some snake oil!
  16. He is no John Rockefeller! Hell not even a Bill Gates!
  17. Wouldn't get any info from rush, hannity, al, or jessie. But you will defend the hannity types every time. They are all the same. Trump and Hillary are both Deplorable. Im not voting for either. I don't say anything about Hillary because this board has that covered. But on Trump negative info we have a shortage.
  18. Female Lives Matter Donald!!!
  19. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  20. I know how my mom would vote
  21. you have it down already, talking about my mother and sister
  22. Kelly does her own thing when she's not being sexually harrased by fox maangement
  23. because 80% percent of this board takes care of the hillary part and nobody does the trump side
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