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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. When it comes to burglers they deserve it
  2. Trayvons dad must be a good man
  3. The only diffrence is Cruz will never live in the white house. Cruz couldn't even beat the con man donald
  4. Smdh. She will definately lose hardin county
  5. Why do you thing they do this now, because they didn't practice this in 1960
  6. A small percentage of charlotte residents are rioting, probably was looking for a reason to riot anyhow. Most rioters probably don't have to work the next morning
  7. congress fails because it operates like a bird. with a bird it takes the right wing and the left wing operating properly to lift the middle.
  8. I think your pushing the max limits of the far right
  9. its a little different because trump has aroused the attention of a different republican voting block. Ive never seen so many high ranking republicans denounce their candidate. From George HW Bush, Romney ..........
  10. all blacks don't riot when wronged. whites used to do a good job of rioting to the extreme, liked burning down complete neiborhoods. see black wall street, tulsa oklahoma
  11. We will see
  12. He made his mind up about trump
  13. I will try not to offer negative comments against the Bush family, they have gained some respect for me for their stance on Trump, esp. HW. No lesser of two evils for them
  14. there are way more towns in setx without a mlk street than with one
  15. your answer wasn't the same
  16. Americans haven't always followed the laws of the land, do we get to pick and choose which ones to follow.
  17. Its all kids, its all races and when it comes to politics its dems and pubs. Dems and Pubs are guilty of wrong doing in politics.
  18. your right, sad stuff. hate seeing things like this happen to anyone
  19. the only one responsible for this shooting is the person pulling the trigger!!
  20. Yes, and many people around here dont even want to celebrate his holiday or believe that he deserves one
  21. Talking about individual men in history books. When some of these great documents were written, it was ok to hang some folks without using the justice system. And about old documents. On the job procedures get changed and modified.
  22. The founding fathers were just people. In todays times they might be ordinary people. Textbooks make some of them look great
  23. Texas should be given back to mexico and we should ask for a refund for Louisiana
  24. Some on this board bring up the muslim thing and the blm thing like these things have never happened before when whites have done things just as bad or worse, had to have a war to stop them. Will try not to bring up slavery and the dreaded hateful past. but along with hateful muslims, blm, Obama and Hillary. their are whites and blacks that can match these acts.
  25. [Hidden Content] don't agree with what was done
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