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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. They are one of the largest hate groups in the united states, especially texas and southeast tx. They just have their secret meetings and show up on everyday jobs and keep their klan identity secret. Except for the ones that are cops they shoot unarmed black people.
  2. And my ancestors that fought and came back from war to still not have equal rights
  3. Mrs Obama has a harvard education and has lived in the white house as first lady for 8 years. Will be first lady for the rest of her life. Pretty good for growing up in a blue collar family.
  4. [Hidden Content] needs to get out more
  5. [Hidden Content] This was overlooked
  6. [Hidden Content]
  7. If the kkk did anything around here we wouldn't be discussing it. When i was a kid their evil actions were ignored. Let's keep blm in the spotlight though.
  8. Done heard more about emails than the birth certificate.
  9. So you think Obama saying the word radical will prevent the crime. RIDICULOUS!
  10. The above incident was just a drop in the bucket. Some Trump supporters would like to return to these times. Make America Great Again like in 1921.
  11. Just a reminder that all the things some folks hate today, your ancestors did for 100 years. IN THIS COUNTRY by so called gun toting citizens. Blacks weren't allowed to use white facilities so they builted their own community. Whites burned the whole community down, killed and incarcerated innocent folks. And Blm, Hillary and Obama suppose to be evil to us.
  12. [Hidden Content] this was one of many. white lives matter
  13. I would never eat spam or ramen when beans and rice are so cheap. People with money don't feed their kids well with all the restaurant eating. i have plenty of money now, but ate a whole lot better growing up poor. no gov. aid either. Ate good hot home cooked meals everyday
  14. [Hidden Content] Didn't see Illinois in the top ten even with the chicago violence
  15. [Hidden Content] all of this didn't just happen in chicago
  16. my bad, never really used or heard that word until this board
  17. texas folk wanting to succeed from the united states is unpatriotic. Those who want to succeed can just pack their bags and get out.
  18. with all the talk about chicago and detroit, illinois and michagan aren't even in the top ten states with gun violence [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  19. their is fault in both major political party's and every race. I just argue the point because most on this board accuse one side of everything wrong in the world
  20. That racist statement happened. I didn't make it!
  21. I guess the clintons have white privilege
  22. the vote belongs to the voter, I wouldn't call him or her stupid because of their choice. But those christian/republicans will
  23. she showed her taxes, if she would have committed any crime she would be in jail. Let the good ole judicial system work is the policy when someone of color is involved
  24. allen west will never get elected to president if thats what his tap dancing routine is all about. see 777 herman cane and ben. Don't know how blacks support republicans when they group all blacks in the same category. whether he is a street thug or president of the united states.
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