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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. www.neighborhoodscout.com/neighborhoods
  2. [Hidden Content] Can anyone spell HYPOCRITE
  3. Obama won two elections. Showed his taxes and birth certificate.
  4. Trump has been married three times and bankrupt at least three times. Don't trust that he can fix anything
  5. I believe kids like the one from the bridge city school this week become cops. And he's not the only one.
  6. They definately watch out for bad dogs
  7. I have seen this happen many times but if its something you dont want to hear, its a problem. If it was anti obama you would not say a word.
  8. Hillary wearing an earpiece came from the trump group. I would need to hear it from somone that tells the truth.
  9. [Hidden Content] Remember When!
  10. [Hidden Content] does this guy tell a lie per day
  11. The bridge city head coach didn't waist any time sending his what i believe to be a sincere apology.
  12. I try to avoid being around bad neighborhoods and situations. But can't avoid the cops blowing me away when I reach for my wallet or some neiborhood watchmen pulling a gun on me while walking down a city owned street.
  13. [Hidden Content] Well, Donald doesn't lie as much..........he's a habitual liar.......but tells a few less than Hillary
  14. Two Obama FACTS . He will be President Obama for the rest of his life and will get paid by the united states government for life also. He will not be posting on setx sports and may play all the golf that he desires.
  15. Some on this board dislike lying politicians. Yet support trump. Don't give me the lesser of two evils crap. Because trump an hill are extreme.
  16. If it wasn't for the emails she probably would have. Obama had to overcome the birther issue and rev wright and still whipped romney and mcain. Would put my money on him agaist hill or trump also. He would have a tough time against bill.
  17. We are offering our personal opinions here, but most pubs treat their opinions as facts. I agitate because of what i read and some pubs do the same. Thats why i never argue with conservatives like bullets or bandkid because they call pretty fair.
  18. You don't have the right to judge anyone on principals just because they don't agree with you politicaly. You have no idea what i have done in my life, but thats what you do. If i walked by your car you would probably hit your door locks or put your hand on your gun. Trump is not a man of principle, i surely have him beat going by what has came out of his lying mouth.
  19. I have never promoted are cared what quanel x thinks. But he says something that pubs want to hear.........and here we are
  20. I've said that I'm not voting for hillary and the bankruptcy king is the worst candidate in a very long time. Still would take him over teddy cruz.
  21. The old don't criticize my conservative rule.
  22. If the donald is being promoted for being a good business man, warren buffet or bill gates should have ran. Trump is no John Rockefeller .
  23. And gave him a 40 million dollar golden parachute
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