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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. You guys didn't bring up the fox news perverts either. Megan kelly and Gretchen had to get out of there
  2. haven't heard about it yet. heard about roger ailes and oreilly though
  3. You know what the alt right is!
  4. I wasn't even going to say anything about the accusations of HW Bush playing grab arse and telling dirty jokes
  5. You do know we have the LYING KING as president right now
  6. Im sure many participants are republican. someone said that Mike Pence was there
  7. YOU elected a president that thinks his wealth allows him to commit this atrocity
  8. Wah wah wah
  9. I guess you agree with screwing folks with pre-existing conditions part part
  10. Donald is an alarm clock for rasicm and hatred. Amd the alarm has sounded. The hatred has awakened and rose up from sleep. Haters are now empowered by this hitler type man. Even George W whom you guys used to love has spoken up against this vile man.
  11. If the numbers were down you wouldn't blame congress, you would blame Obama, so don't tell me that crap. You would have an excuse why Rosa Parks shoud have stayed at the back of the bus
  12. Won't make the mistake of electing the clown chump twice, his wife probably won't even stay around for another term . he is probably already cheating with wife number 4.
  13. Skye Gould/Business Insider Presidents inherit economic circumstances, including unemployment rates, which are a lagging indicator. Clinton took office at the tail end of a modest recession, while Bush came in at the end of the '90s boom. Obama's term began amid the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. And Trump entered the Oval Office as the long, slow recovery from the Great Recession finally began to show signs of economic normality — the March unemployment rate, the most recently published in the first 100 days, was at a postcrisis low Thanks o for handing trump these low unemployment numbers and making him look good.
  14. [Hidden Content]
  15. their the same both are hateful bastards. like i said before whites rioted and protested four little black kids going to school. sick terroristic crap right their
  16. Suppose Obama lost the popular vote but won the electorial college........I mean he flat out won both and kicked republican arse twice, but just sayin
  17. Anifa and blm are way behind because the kkk and neo nazi's have a 200 year head start
  18. If Obama would have given his daughter and son-in-law white house jobs or Bill would have given chelsea and his son-in-law white house jobs, you would have plenty to say about it. and you guys talked about O's golf trips continuously.
  19. Probably the same amount as the KKK and neo nazi's
  20. Don gave his son-in law and daughter a job in the west wing. they are stealing far more money than any salary could ever pay. Just the corporate kickbacks and paybacks for favors along, not to mention the prez goes on more golf trips than all previous presidents combined.
  21. Good thing the electoral college stopped Hillary
  22. From folks that stood for the amthem, then went out and hung black folk from trees after raping their wives and daughters. Sent black men to fight for a country where they weren't free in. Rioted and protested four little girls going to school.
  23. [Hidden Content] Roger Ailes, Oreilly, Maybe Weinstein should have worked at fox also.
  24. [Hidden Content] I thought you guys didn't like debt
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