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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. [Hidden Content]? Surprised none of this has been discussed yet!
  2. new tobie


    [Hidden Content] Good old Roger Ailes
  3. [Hidden Content] Another right winger, that was over a hate group but talks about his christian conservative values. K-onservative K-ristian K-lan
  4. they should be able to. But with my kids they never had to
  5. I know Hillary comes up short on principles, You think trump has any?
  6. If trump had to debate Bill he would be in serious trouble
  7. choosing between eating and medication that is being sold at 600% profit kills folks [Hidden Content] Republicans do not want to cut into the profits of companies like this
  8. George Washington couldn't tell a lie. Richard Nixon couldn't tell the truth and Trump doesn't know the diffrence.
  9. Some folks that dont like government involvement are waiting for government in crisis
  10. He's like pubs on this board cant find a problem with his party
  11. Old people dont die if they cant afford a new house, new car or a broadway play. Smdh
  12. No but obama needed whites to get elected. And i like to watch the election celebrations on youtube, many whites celebrating. I have Mitt Romneys concession speech in favorites. And rush and glenn becks meltdowns. I like McCain, he just made a mistake picking that bats....t crazy Palin
  13. Voter fraud happened in Florida in 2000. Maybe Jeb will tell all before he dies
  14. Where do you guys find this type of news
  15. Why do educated whites vote dem.why all of the blacks and whites that dont need free stuff vote dem.
  16. Actually there is more absolute HATRED from the good Republicans that deem themselves christians on yohillary
  17. Nobody faired well in 2007 except dick Cheney and Halliburton
  18. No wall will be built. I will wait on a wall to be built and for obama to take guns
  19. Mexico paying for a wall is an outright LIE
  20. Who told you that my black friends or relatives or even myself support all of these things. I support Bill Clinton, would vote for him right now, but don't approve of everything he has done. Would not vote for trump or hillary, might have considered a moderate family man like John Kasich. Often defend dems because folk on this board defend every Republican
  21. Didnt Mr Trump skip a couple of debates and squabble with a FOX news commentator
  22. Im not in black lives matter. Don't watch bet or mtv for that matter and dont support the naacp. I pay taxes, speak well, support my family and pull my pants up. Have you ever spoke to someone of the black race
  23. Being offended doesn't make something racism. Many things being said can offend someone. Some get offended if their favorite sports team is being trashed
  24. Being offended doesn't make something racism. Many things being said can offend someone. Some get offended if their favorite sports team is being trashed
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