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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. I will continue shopping there, bathroom issues are not my problem.
  2. If you don't see a problem with hannity.......no need in me arguing with you about it.
  3. why do these people that don't want government involement want to see the president. Like the fema trailers in bridge city after ike and ALL the folks calling for their $1200 after rita.
  4. In that situation i would never want to see the president, i waould want to see help. In my situation all i want is to see state farm!
  5. so your opinion is obama is a lying pos, im not arguing your opinion. So don't argue mine on hannity because he is a POS trying to satisfy his hateful audience. I didn't say anything about bush or obama, i say hannity and rush are lying divisive idiots.
  6. In the bush situation the problem was not him going to new orleans, it was him advising his people to do something. the people needed aid, not to see the president
  7. Hannity is one hateful pos. and im not gonna explain his lies, you are well aware of them. he will say anything for ratings. he even looks hateful.
  8. Target will not go out of business and obama will not take anybody's guns!
  9. Obama was well aware of baton rouge and had government entities on the job. if the president would have went to baton rouge, relief efforts would have cut back to protect the president. by tuesday when he does go, relief efforts would be reduced anyway
  10. the money wasted in iraq and afghanistan could have been spent in the united states
  11. Comparing Katrina to Baton Rouge is asinine.
  12. Ive seen the cars and people and my nephew is assistant manager there. I guess southeast tx folks just don't care about bathroom issues.
  13. more right wing- dead people voting non citizens voting-people voting for free stuff- the pressure to win is on
  14. Did the folks in BC receive fema trailers from the GOVERNMENT!
  15. you bring up al and jessie whom i don't like or follow and i'll bring up rush and hannity which are a perfect match, accept they spew their hate to a larger audience.
  16. At least a person has to be a citizen to vote
  17. Target Bmt been packed all weekend
  18. Both situations were wrong dude. both were on vacation. for me the president doing a photo op doesn't make me feel any better in this situation. Nobody gets credit for the evacuations in rita and ike, but nobody gets the blame either. many people talk about free stuff, but during rita many people that make plenty of money applied for the fema money.
  19. I personally wouldn't blame nobody if my house was flooded are destroyed by mother nature. And the president coming to visit wouldn't make me feel better.My biggest problem would come when the insurance company that's been collecting money from me for 30 years try's not to pay enough out.
  20. I'll put on a pot of cowboy stew for when you guys get back from fighting!
  21. Target just might survive this crisis
  22. 4 more months and the 8 years will be over. you guys just have to beat Hillary. I know we have put forth the finest two candidates that the dems and pubs have to offer.
  23. if it makes you feel better. the 8yrs are almost up
  24. the hurricane had passed look at the videos on youtube. how long do you think the hurricane stayed over new orleans. the levees were the bigger problem after the hurricane
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