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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. Bush had been on vacation in crawford for 27 days when katrina hit and didn't acknowledge what was going on [Hidden Content]
  2. maybe he should have went and took pictures unloading 5 minutes worth of boxes from a truck. Obama hasn't come yet and bush didn't do a dam thing when katrina started. In bushes case the folks that were put in place to take care of things didn't do their jobs and the mayor was inept
  3. ive never gotten a positive pass because of skin color
  4. jessie and al costantly get mentioned also and i have never even seen the jessie or al show. haven't even heard any blacks around here talking about them
  5. what better way to tell a girl you love her, guns and diamonds are forever
  6. and this is why I make rush and hannity your hero's
  7. Threat of obama taking guns, drove gun sales out the top
  8. [Hidden Content]
  9. [Hidden Content] this is one crazy election year
  10. Im not voting for either one. I admit my vote will be wasted on a 3rd party candidate or write in.
  11. Ive made many negative comments about Hillary, although I have made more about trump. You only do one side
  12. People will not stop shopping at target. Just left the beaumont store, its packed with back to school.......and obama will not take your guns
  13. I stated a fact You guys praise anti obama blacks only.
  14. Obama won two elections whether we like it or not and would probably beat Hillary or Trump if he could run again, because they are the bottom of the barrel.
  15. All they have to do is to have better sales for a while. Sears, JCpenny and Bealls have declining sales also
  16. You ever watch a ball game and the announcers always find different stats to talk about!
  17. Yeah I like the fact that a teenager outsmarted everyone, grabbed a bus and headed to the astrodome Jabbar Gibson is now in jail
  18. Obama was being held accountable for being on the golf course during the baton rouge flood. During Katrina Bush was held accountable. Agin was s...t sorry but he wasn't the president
  19. Glad i dont HATE anyone that much
  20. Seems as though on this board only blacks that are against obama are liked, unless they are playing for your favorite team
  21. Over 1400 people died in new Orleans "Good job Brownie"
  22. Do you realize that you actually complimented Obama?
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