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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. blacks killing blacks is the biggest statistics. And its only some blacks, not all. And its blacks with GUNS. Kinda like the indians back in the day GUNS TRUMP bow and arrows. Need to get your second amendment folks on this, thats the TRUMP card.
  2. I said that i didn't care about birth certificates and emails. i care deeply about the past. you guys care about the thugs of today but not the ones of the past that burned, raped, hung,shot enslaved and committed acts of hatred all week and went to church on sunday
  3. They just helped spread hatred, thats all just plain old hatred. look at some of the signs at their protest. hatred often leads to death of someone.
  4. Trump has loyalties to trump. If i were republican i would have voted for John Kasich. Im not voting for Hillary, but no way in .....would i vote for trump either. trumps is CRAZY.
  5. If i was to bring up the past against B. Obama you wouldn't complain at all.
  6. Fox news is not bias by far and they have the hannity show
  7. Dont want to see anyone killed at all. But do you know the statistics of blacks killed by blacks since june 1st that doesn't make the national news?
  8. he thinks Hillary will be better and you think Trump will be better, you both have that right. More than half the country thought Obama would be better twice, same for GW Bush. Its why we vote. Thats the reason why i am i think congress should have voted on a supreme court justice. I don't care what was done in the past. Garland couldn't have won with the republican majority, but they would have done their job and voted. Case Closed. I go to work 5 days a week and do the job that im being paid to do. If i refuse I must find a new job. I don't have the luxury of saying what was done in the past.
  9. sadly this all comes down to the raising of children, no disipline at home and no displine at school due to the teachers and principles not being allowed. this type of episode doesn't represent a whole city or race of people. Im sure most people in Milwaukee don't condone this type of activity, but everyone pays for the actions of some. We hear more about these incidents with the insurgence of social media and i think the people that cause the incidents like the fact that the world is now watching.
  10. [Hidden Content]-
  11. Does a united states senator need to show a birth certificate. Little league baseball requires it
  12. I would have no trouble debating klannity.
  13. I wanted trump over Cruz and i said this from the beginning
  14. If you google rush and hannity fabricated stories and lies. Something would come up
  15. Every candidate for the last 40 yrs has released them.
  16. Bill gets paid a lot to speak and so will obama.
  17. What do you think fox news does , and they employ rush and hannity
  18. I have already stated that Hillary lies . of course she knows how to play the loophole game, others on this board won't admit that trump lies his arse off and uses every means necessary to not pay taxes. I am limited on what i can do to not pay taxes. I understand that this is a conservative board and anyone that's not conservative shouldn't really be on it. Hillary lies 10 times a day and your candidate lies 8 times a day........Face it, its a possibility we may be looking at President Clinton in november because your candidates open carries and keeps shooting himself in the foot.
  19. [Hidden Content] If republicans lose in november, they must rid themselves of people like this crazy...........
  20. A lot of problems of today are Bush and Obama's fault and the fault of the do nothing congress of the last two decades. donald j trump would make bush and obama look like great presidents.A year ago i would have said give this trump guy a chance, today i say he is an idiot. But as long as hannity, rush and palin are around he's not the biggest idiot.
  21. I don't care what biden thinks. Is it a law not to vote on a justice in an election year? these crooked congressman refuse to even hold a vote and vote no. If Trump continues to speak without the teleprompter and hillary wins, they'll learn a lesson
  22. yeah yeah yeah....same old story. the cop is always right accept in orange tx when the cop was black, remember the black cop at oreilly in orange, nobody defended the cop in that instance........hmmm.
  23. dont leave out the cost for 8 yrs worth of war
  24. [Hidden Content] things happen!
  25. A policeman is a public servant and I really appreciate good ones. Just like I appreciate good people of ANY race
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