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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. He already said it hoping his armed robots might make an attempt!
  2. [Hidden Content]
  3. Someone like Ted Cruz prob is looking at after four years of Hillary 2020 is looking good. After 4 yrs of Trump 2020 is out of reach!
  4. I must agree with you on that.
  5. Let's not bring up Ronnie, if Ronnie did it, its ok!
  6. Trump didn't have to take the bait. he could have chose to be an adult.
  7. [Hidden Content] These are republican folks!
  8. You think that every dem wants the gov to take care of them. Even Warren buffet is a dem!
  9. Well at list the one thing that Obama was not accused of is killing folks.........Yet!
  10. United We Stand Divided We Fall.
  11. Not to many in the media that dont represent a side. But im sure that we have a few good individuals.
  12. I truly believe that most politicians care more about themselves and their cronies than the people they are representing
  13. When it really gets down to it most of us are better people than the party affiliations and politicians that we defend? We honestly need a strong 3rd party. Many people would leave the D and R. The D and R wouldn't like that. Look at how long some have been in congress. Politicians need a divided group of people
  14. Many things get brought up in this mamner. Why are you singling me out. Fox is the opposite of msnbc
  15. Isnt Fox news media also?
  16. Trump is not and unpolished liar. He is a Profesional liar. Not offering free stuff is not the reason that he is not running away with a election against a flawed Hillary Clinton. His mouth, his history and trustworthyness is his problem. Its not the THE LIBERAL MEDIA...FREE STUFF...DEAD VOTORS...or ILLEGALS. Its TRUMP!!!!!
  17. First of all i talk with koch employees all the time. How often do you speak with them. You say the president was elected to two terms because of free stuff, where did you find this data. How did you determine that welfare recipients dont vote for republicans. Many rich folks want Hillary in office and many rich folk want the donald. I could say anything on this board as long as its against Democrats Obama or Hillary and you wouldn't say a word. Trump said that if he shot someone on main street his base would still vote for him. I cant see myself voting for Hillary, but would vote for Bill if he were running. Has Hillary lied and will she lie more...yes. Has Donald lied and will he lie more....yes. Donald wanted to vote for Hillary himself in 08 and has been friend with the Clintons. If he continues to say things to hurt his campaign I am starting to believe that he is working for the Clintons .
  18. did obama take your guns, fear mongers have been preaching this for years
  19. don't believe anyone is coming for your guns, if so i will purchase one and be on your side of the gun battle
  20. [Hidden Content]? this idiot here!
  21. Hillary and Donald for president is not a good place to be in. The 3rd party choice will never have a chance unless people start leaving the D and R. The average person cares more about the D and R than the D and R cares about the average person.
  22. Hillary's pick if she were to win will not be a moderate
  23. Obama's pick would have been better for republicans than Hillary's pick!
  24. Not many people leaving exxon, Motiva or even dupont to work at a koch owned plant. More people leaving the koch brothers plants. and the kochs won't even give your nominee trump any support anyway, why is that.
  25. in southeast tx most of them have applications out at other places, many have left in the last 5 yrs
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