I have been to Vidor, Deweyville, and Buna. So I know that all people that are receiving free stuff are not voting for clinton and did not vote for obama.
I see the way the koch brothers treat their people and they don't have a problem at all moving their business to china and did I say they were crooked b........
Racial tensions have been here over 100 years. Racial problems have never gotten better with people 40 and above. The young folk are mixing races at record rates though. The younger generation dont care about hate quite as much as their parents and grandparents. Obama is not to blame.
If trump keeps saying stupid crap, Ive said it from the beginning that i think he is working for his former besties. The Clintons. Trump probably tutored Monica on her job.
Ted said if he were elected heidi would bring back fries. Kids would eat more if we offered chilli dogs, frito pies, pizza and cupcakes, maybe a donut bar also