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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. who's your favorite Hannity, Rush or Oreilly. If your wondering i don't listen to any. I go by what Ive seen and heard all of my life
  2. when people bring up obama in the same fashion you say nothing......can you say hypocrite
  3. I wasn't even outraged when george and dick faked a war for dicks former company to profit from after his former company gave him one of the biggest departure payouts in history. Many wanted Obama to seek charges, but he refused. Bush and Cheney must be part of the muslim brotherhood
  4. not all white people just republicans and kkk. well..........get the muslims out, build a wall, send the blacks back where they came from, why do women have equal rights as men!
  5. Do you realize how many lies Trump has told and he cannot even speak without using his little hands. Has to wear fake hair so he want look like a creepy old man. And i believe that he's having an affair with Putin
  6. The republicans shut down the government when they refused to even vote no on a supreme court justice
  7. I just do it to keep up with this board. I hate no groups of people as a whole, not even muslims
  8. Do you think that this is the first time that this has happened
  9. I dont want to see any cops murdered not even the crooked ones. Just want justice either way. I know cops tend to sterio type because my co-workers do also. Do you think that everytime a cop shoots someone it is justified
  10. The media is one sided very often, but not just for liberals. Thats why i dont listen to sharpton or hannity. They need to make money in order to have a show
  11. With all the problrms hillary has with trust and the race is still so close. Obama probably would have mopped the floor with trumps fake hair head
  12. So trump wants his friends in Russia to investigate us politicians
  13. Allen west talks about obama and he is smart and important. If he does the opposite he's a ........see colin powell
  14. You didnt miss it
  15. Hillary has already lived in the white house for 8yrs. And has a possibility of doing it again
  16. The donald said that he could have shot someone on main street snd still have gotten elected
  17. If Hillary jokef and told Russia to investigate trump pubs would be all over it
  18. Kinda like the obama phone that obama didn't start. He wasn't born when welfare started
  19. The us would probably have to send aid and except texas immigrants
  20. Did you accept the clinton verdict?
  21. You guys wouldn't evem br complaining if the kkk was protesting something hiding under their sheets
  22. She listened to trump say we need to make it great AGAIN!
  23. Did you think the police there would leave anything to be found?
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