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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. Trump just left the women that were with him for his money
  2. This is a personal attack, but thats what most pubs do. Just like their csndidate. Practice christianity and hate, just like another group that hides under sheets. Even the blm group doesnt hide under sheets
  3. I never thought that he was racist. Just thought that he was ignorant
  4. I see people walk on the city owned street by my house all the time. If someone looked suspicious i would call the folks that my tax money pay's for
  5. If he had ran into a grown man like myself the ending would have been diffrent
  6. The state run media. The liberal media. Good slogans for the not so educated
  7. Republicans said the same thing about Obama. The community organizer slogan lasted longer than the birther scare tactic
  8. Mr Trump wanted to see a birth certificate but can't show his taxes, what a hypocrit
  9. Texas would be boycotted and broke
  10. Im waiting for the Rush, Hannity or Oreilly show to come on
  11. They hadn't been democrat for a long time
  12. R and D's do this, because if sarah palin was running again she would be ...........On the other hand ben and cain didn't stand a chance with the R
  13. We put up with the KKK for 100 years, so give the BLM a couple of years to go away
  14. If trump wins David duke will probably a regular visitor to the white house, will that make you happy.
  15. Trump is trying to be president. obama has done most of his 8 years, trump has to win in November to even be compared to obama.
  16. November will tell all
  17. had to remember how good we had it when Bill was in office
  18. same type thinking on people that listen to political shows that talk and say anything for ratings
  19. If their is nothing to hide, he should show them for his own benefit, remenber Romney
  20. does two wrongs make a right. If Hillary didn't show her taxes you guys would be on it.
  21. Mr trump lies everytime he opens his mouth, so whats the diffrence
  22. [Hidden Content]
  23. [Hidden Content] If Hillary would have done this, it would be all over this board
  24. I was gonna vote for a third party candidate . but a vote for hillary is a vote for bill and i would rather bill than trump
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