At least four times in his life he hasn't. Would you use an investment firm for your money that has been bankrupt four times. If they just wanted a rich business man to run they should have asked michael bloomberg.
Trump has disrespected all hispanics, blacks, muslims, handicap people, some women and some republican leaders. My kids are not allowed to watch rated R movies or Trump
The affordable healthcare is not free. the prices could be improved, but it hasn't affected my healthcare, my healthcare started getting worse before the affordable care act started, despite what Rush and hannity say
republicans just like their leader Trump always resort to name calling. thats what trump did to the other 16 pubs that were running against him. talked about their families and everything."by any means necessary"
before the affordable care act many people just went without insurance. if they had pre-existing conditions they couldn't get it. if republicans would have done ANYTHING about healthcare the affordable care act wouldn't have happened, but they always choose to do nothing. but will spend a busload of money to start a war
improve obamacare dont repeal it.
Many folks that can't get insurance because of pre-existing conditions would die without it.
republicans don't believe in helping the working man or the poor, only the big insurance companies, healthcare facilities and corporations that need us to work but don't care about their employees anymore