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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. Their is a reason why the approval rating of congress is 11%
  2. i just can't see telling all those parents about weapons of mass destruction
  3. Trump hasn't threatned to take them away yet
  4. I guess that includes congress
  5. Obama didn't have respect from republicans from day number one, they met up at a secret meeting and agreed to block everthing that he would attempt to do and did it for 8 years . Even refused a no vote on a supreme court justice
  6. this guy is a cop, i guess you believe what you want to
  7. Many lives were lost because of the weapons of mass destruction LIE
  8. I hear hannity and rush through you
  9. if they were that bad Trump would be a shoe in, but he can't even get endorsed by his own party leaders because he's too busy trashing their families, minorities and women.
  10. we don't know how our spouses are really gonna vote.
  11. [Hidden Content]
  12. I don't even know what free stuff is, heard Rush and hannity mention it before
  13. A Trump presidency would be worst than what W left behind to be cleaned up
  14. If I didn't know better I would think that you disliked Hillary more than obama. But Obama's pigmentation.........should have taken after his momma
  15. I thought that their was weapons of mass destruction
  16. if trump can get enough votes, it's president Trump, if he can't Its president Clinton part 2
  17. He's everthing that hillary is, just isn't married to an ex president that had a great economy when in office
  18. Hillary is in a tight race, maybe she needs to promise more free stuff if that's all it takes. maybe she has it all wrong and is offering free stuff to rich folk
  19. a large percentage of whites also elected the first black president
  20. probably her and her husband
  21. Never said bush would be voting democrat, but when have you ever seen two ex presidents not vote their party.
  22. The current two term president could probably win a third term with today's competition
  23. if he was asked he wouldn't deny it.he didn't deny copying corey bookers speech
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