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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. if she had moved she probably would have shot to, the 911 operator told her to keep her hands on the steering wheel [Hidden Content]
  2. no comments because of who was killed and who did the shooting.
  3. Watch the video. House Republicans are probably outraged
  4. Should young blacks get open carry.
  6. Trump would have built a wall to keep slaves in
  7. Herman 777 Cain Ben Carson AllenYoYo West Never in the Republican Party.
  8. A wise republican women named Sarah once said "Polls are for strippers"
  9. Allen West couldn't win mayor of port arthur. His claim to fame is disliking obama.
  10. An unarmed teenager being murdered is a national news story. These days McDonalds coming out with a new burger is national news
  11. Are there any black democrats that you care for?
  12. Latest FOX NEWS poll [Hidden Content]
  13. Chris Stevens sister blames congress more than Clinton, who was the majority in congress?
  14. No and No. And you guys do a very good job of picking and choosing the things with government that you are concerned with and all of them are one-sided. Blame for 911 can probably be pointed at someone in our government. I read where warning signs were there, but were ignored.
  15. Im done for good on the political part of this site, would hate for some of the good folks on the site to lose it because of foolish arguments. Will be the bigger man and take the high road from now on. We shall see what happens in november. Later.
  16. I never said that, you can just google trump racist remarks
  17. you must not talk to folks in your town
  18. you enjoyed it to did't you they were alive when they got on the ships, you know what happened afterwords, the radicals tortured most of them to death
  19. you know them better than me, I don't know names. If you live in lumberton you know, don't play
  20. watch roots, you would probably enjoy it
  21. they don't like the way trump refers to their race, has nothing to do with illegals, many republicans do this
  22. I don't know exactly, but my ancestors wouldn't have went through the years of slave labor, death, rape, beatings, hangings and hateful treatment that the evil white man inflicted upon them. Men watched their daughters, wife and mothers get treated very badly by the white man. Not blaming nobody in the present, the the white man of the past was as bad as the muslim brotherhood that you folks hate today. So, I am respectful of what my ancestors went through for me to enjoy a better life. I am also thankful to the north for kicking a.... in the civil war.
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