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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. I don't mind going back and forth with you and the other 5 or 6 conservatives left on this board
  2. impeach the ragedy prez, your right
  3. First of all I don't care or believe nothing trump says, and by the way if pencestitution cared so much about the anthem, maybe he should care about veterans and get off his lazy arse and do something for them.
  4. Repeal it so the poor can start using the emergency room for free again instead of being required to have insurance, no preventitive care for the poor, the middle class can continue paying high insurance premiums anyway, the pharmaceutical companies can continue overpricing their product. The Obama family will continue getting government checks and government insurance. Basically nothing changes.
  5. talking about the owners, the players pay taxes [Hidden Content]
  6. For somone to do something about bad cops getting away with murder
  7. I don't follow nobody, that would be the person you see when you look in the mirror
  8. He said fire those sob's. Get your head out of the sand or from wherever it may be
  9. [Hidden Content] But vowed to help Texas and LA to the end.
  10. 2nd-very important 1st- the president will give you instructions or tell your boss to fire you or call your mother the b-word. I have some sign language for him that involves the tallest finger
  11. My son listened to a bad cop when he was 7yrs old. I had to tell him that this cop don't represent all. He complys before I will. I will comply in court with my lawyer present. Bot taking it anymore, i can try to avoid bad people and neiborhoods. Bad cops can be unavoidable if your black. The only time people on this board didn't take up for the cop is when the cop at oreilly in orange was black and the victim was white.
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. 'I did and try and f*** her. She was married. I moved on her like a b***h, but I couldn't get there. And she was married,' the poster says, quoting words Trump was picked up saying on a microphone while in a trailer with Billy Bush. 'You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful. I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. 'And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything... grab them by the p***y. You can do anything,' it concludes with the most headline-grabbing line of the speech President of the United States Read more: [Hidden Content] Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
  14. Kap didnt do anything but kneel, no lawsuits, no rape allegations, no bankruptcy's, no divorces, no wanting to date his daughter.
  15. Ever heard of grab um by the p
  16. they are only blamed for killing unarmed blacks. I just watched a video white kid with an ar15 talking smack and he didn't get shot
  17. [Hidden Content] More grab um things to ignore from FOX news source
  18. the prez talked about grabbing any women between the legs whenever he felt like it. He should be friends with weinstein. And maybe the cops should shoot weinstein instead of unarmed blacks.
  19. Do you know how many weirdo's the republicans have ties to, like roger ailes, hannity, and ted cruz
  20. He said that he grabbed um. i didn't say that, making that type of statement would disrespect my wife, mother, grandmother, daughter and sister.
  21. White women are NOT afraid of skin color, most black players that are kneeling have white wives and girlfriends. I am amazed when I see a black professional athlete with a black women
  22. You are a bad arse keyboard operator
  23. I learn from you guys, I went to work after the guy was dragged behind a pickup truck and nobody seemed to care. The same people are outraged over the anthem.
  24. I didn't even go out and vote for hillary. Would have voted for Bill though, would have ignored Bill's past just like you guys ignore the ignorant one
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