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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. legals, but republicans are known for causing problems at the voting booth. shortening hours, changing rules at the last minute. legal hispanics that I talk to say they don't like trump
  2. What's July 5th
  3. mentally tough in acting
  4. photo op for the november elections
  5. we shall see how hispanics feel about this in november
  6. Exactly, nappy is not exempt
  7. President Obama
  8. If Republicans keep trump on the teleprompter they might stand a chance, if he speaks his mind, it's over
  9. I can also spell Obama kicked republican a.. twice.
  10. Not from new vidor (lumberton) did I spell this right
  11. John Wayne was only tough when acting. In real life he would have taken an a...whoopin
  12. Trump can't his own bank account from going broke
  13. Maybe he can become mayor of lumberton, bring in gambling and boose
  14. Reagan was a thug
  15. Harvard Law boy is a two term president. If trump can't beat clinton he will be the biggest loser ever
  16. Trump having to use the teleprompter to keep from saying stupid stuff
  17. You mean obama the two term president of the united states
  18. which your candidate trump does all the time because he knows nothing about the real issues
  19. Why won't the lovers of open carry allow open carry at the republican national convention. Should be guns, ar-15's, machine guns, maybe even a cannon or two.
  20. free mental health
  21. He didn't just go to harvard, he was at the top his class. (he wasn't a "c" student and his daddy did't get him in) we all know that he can speak without a teleprompter but the republican talk show people use that statement in their hate rhetoric. This man was a United States Senator and President of the United States for not one but two terms, if he could have ran in 2016 he would have mopped the floor with trumps hair piece wearing head
  22. you may be wrong nap, the republicans are plotting to stab trump in the back
  23. The president of the harvard law review. Dude what city are you from
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