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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. Where are you nappy and vitale
  2. Kinda like you guys and hannity
  3. seems your pretty loyal to Mr Trump
  4. You haven't shot nothing down dude, use any news source of your choice, your party(republicans) are afraid of trump and his racisist remarks and bigotry, the freakin republican party leaders. some won't even endorse him and some are sorry they did, two of them are ex presidents.
  5. OJ supposedly had a weapon, the other two didn't, he's guilty. Zimmerman had a weapon, the kid didn't, he's innocent. if i couldn't have kicked zimmermans arse, i would have shot myself.
  6. democrats are not our friends, but their all we have because republican leaders belittle us and group all of us in one group of laziness and free stuff, the only blacks they like are the ones that talk the same crap as they do...see herman cain, ben carson, used to be colin powell, powell was held in high esteem untill he disagreed with them, then he was cut loose. Any black man can run for any office right now on just spewing obama hate and be liked on the republican ticket.
  7. If any democrat had trumps resume you would be talking negative about it also
  8. I think the videos show how much of a fool your boy is
  9. Are you kidding me? I won't even make that argument if you don't already know.
  10. my biggest problem with trump..... [Hidden Content]
  11. well.....why wasn't that noted with his 22% and why couldn't a republican win for the next two presidential terms
  12. At my job dealing with dangerous chemicals, experience is better the majority of the time
  13. It means something on resume's
  14. experience gets the job the majority of the time
  15. He didn't mind going to jail, vietnam or jail, he chose jail
  16. If we did a fact check on this board and erased things that wasn't true, a lot of opinions though. Where is smitty and big girl, did they retire, or they together?
  17. can we hit reset and get two more candidates
  18. Is anyone running thats not American
  19. I know two things for sure, secession will not happen in Texas and Obama/Hillary will not come and take your precious guns
  20. Where is Big Girl and Smitty, this election year is a circus
  21. Obamacare, obama's birth certificate, muslim brotherhood, hillarys emails........it never ends with you guys, but THE DONALD is here to save the Republican party, outsmarted the whole Republican Klan
  22. Republicans hide behind christianity, but hate everyone thats doesn't think exactly the same way they do
  23. Republicans claiming to be honest christians all the time is a joke, they are just as dishonest as their democratic counterparts, you folks are in denial
  24. how many lied about weapons of mass destruction
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