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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. It was'nt his fault, he just didn't give a ..............
  2. Perry and Cruze will never be Potus
  3. If these two are so great, where are they in the polls? Deez Nuts is doing better than Deez CLOWNS
  4. Obama would had never been elected had Bush not screwed up so bad
  5. Perry or Cruze will not win the republican primary
  6. Cruze is ranked in 6th place. Even old doc Ben is ahead of him
  7. How is the great ex governor of Texas doing in the polls......poor poor Slick Rick. Looks like the Texas senator Cruze is failing also.....Tom Cruise would probably rate higher than him
  8. Racial issues are not worse.......have you ever read about race issues in the 50's or 60's when certain people had to enter buildings through special doors, sit at the back of movie theaters and the back of the bus, could't drink from the same water fountains, was'nt allowed to read a book.....ect........#turnofthe foxnewschannel
  9. Obama birth certificate........Hillary emails.......we know how the birth certificate issue turned out
  10. who would have thought that the Donald would be the Republican party leader
  11. why are the two texas clowns(cruz and perry) barely making the top ten cut in the polls
  12. ​You guys would vote for flava flav if he was against obama!
  13. ​So you like four black people, do you like any blacks that are not republicans, most on this board liked colin powell untill..........
  14. ​Steve, you can keep your confederate flying at your house, nobody can make you take it down
  15. ​without the strict gun laws there would be twice as many deaths
  16. ​Well what is it about Mr baddog
  17. ​How about a strong christian liberal, will that be ok
  18. I don't watch Fox, Msnbc, Hannitty, Oreilly, Sharpton are none of these fools, it doen't have to be democrat or republican, fox or msnbc, obama or bush, its about being real and not blaming a party, a race or one man for everything that you don't like in this world
  19. ​Stop listeneing to the clowns at fox news!
  20. Interracial marriage was illegal untill the 1967 supreme court decision........imagine that.......if it wasn't for the supreme court most nba and nfl players would be single
  21. Its funny how the slave states threatened secession if Lincoln was elected(haven't we heard this recently) And the same folks that complain about Obama taking away their freedoms would rather fight other americans to not allow the freedom of americans, 600,000 deaths because the south wanted to continue with their free labor and continue with their evil treatment of people(good ole christian conservatives). The infrastructure of the good old south took a serious beat down and the southern soldiers took an arse whoopin
  22. ​But losing still means losing
  23. I think somone should sell confederate flag toilet paper!
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