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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. Sarah is thinking about running, so he won't be the worst candidate
  2. They remind me of my car shifter.....D for foward and R for reverse!
  3. Steve.....Smitty....?
  4. what goes around comes around
  5. Someone call the law, the Detroit Lions have just been robbed! Green Bay will take care of the cowgirls anyway.
  6. Better watch out, your next president was born in Chicago!
  7. perhaps Dallas may go for their second playoff win in the last 18yrs
  8. there was no riots and looting in jasper either when they tied a man to a pickup truck and and ended his life either.
  9. The motto seems to be, if he's brown shoot him down
  10. The United States of America didn't think so when they re-elected him in 2012. explain the re-election Mr intelligent!
  11.   And just think, he will be PRESIDENT OBAMA for the rest of his life!
  12. When the black police officer shot down the white guy at Oreilly auto parts in Orange Tx, there was no one on this board defending arnolds actions...... i guess it is what it is.
  13. King you know you don't give a crap about nothing mlk said!
  14. Obama has been on the receiving end of more racism than any politician in the history of the United States
  15. where exactly do you get your facts, maybe when your asleep at night
  16. I like him , he makes for good comedy
  17. Snl has made fun of many republican politicians also, its fair game
  18. lets get rid of obamacare and with republican control, continue to do NOTHING. Lets continue to let the pharmaseudical companies charge $700 for 90 pills and so on.......... Lets allow the isurance companies to make max profits from the working man Charge more for health insurance for the people with major health issues
  19. Dude he is a two term president and you spend all of your time playing on a political blog. (over 3000 post)smdh
  20. Obama has the least number of executive orders than any president in the last 100 years. But they can't see that with their eyes closed
  21. Just wondering if you realize that all poor people are not minority. there are people in Lumberton on food stamps and welfare also!
  22. To Much Limbaugh, Hannity, Oreilly,Karl Rove, Fox News and Rehatican talk radio telling them how to think.
  23.     kind of reminds me of another group of idiots that also covered themselves in white sheets
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