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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. The rehaticans will be listening closely to his wording.
  2. The free beacon is another conservative tell them what they want to hear website. If its posted by Smitty.......
  3. Cheny wants a timetable for restarting the old Iraq war machine. How about a timetable on that heart of his!
  4. yeah Smitty I read the article in that leading conservative blog web site hot air. Thats where i get all of my factual info.
  5. too much Hannity and Limbaugh for Smitty
  6. And Vidor awaits you
  7. how bout I challenge you to a game of golf. If you win, I will never play again
  8. Steve your a bada..... on a keyboard
  9.     Halliburton made 17.2 billion dollars from 2003 to 2006 Iraq and Afgan wars alone. What prominent political figure had close ties with Halliburton? Follow the freakin money!
  10. Thats exactly what it took in the United States, years of education on treating people as equals
  11. He would do whatever Cheney told him
  12. Right On
  13. People outside of TEXAS think that Perry is an Idiot and everything is bigger in TEXAS even Idiots.
  14. Did it backfire on Palin and Christie? And Christie is a petty decent guy, but Palin is disgusting.
  15. When you follow the Koch Brothers money where does that lead you!
  16. Steve did any of those things get accomplished the last 8yrs that your boys held office
  17. One of the smartest republicans once said.....[Hidden Content]
  18. [Hidden Content]
  19. Carson has about as much a chance of mounting a serious white house run as I have of winning the lottery without buying a ticket. low information republican voters in the south will never vote for a _______ .
  20. I remember when Colin Powell was in the Bush Administration, people on this board suggested maybe he should run. When Powell supported Obama he became no good. If Ben Carson was running on the other side the pubs woud trash him to. Being on the far left or far right when it comes to politics sucks.
  21. just in..[Hidden Content]
  22. ....[Hidden Content]
  23. Romney had a chance and lost. The arrogant.......didn't even write a concession speech. Keep Mitt, Raggedy Ann and the brat .... romney boys out of the frickin white house.
  24. Any Clinton is better than Romney, Romney has already lost twice. He's afraid to reveal his taxes. He (Bain) shuts down companys and ships jobs overseas. When it comes to politics Romney is a LOSER!
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