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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. because he stopped watching looney tunes when he was 6
  2. The same poll that has Romney winning if the election was held today, has Hillary Clinton whipping Romney. Are these the same low information voters. Definition of a low information voter- anyone that doesn't agree with republicans.
  3. Are all muslims radical terrorist? I bet that people thought that president Lincoln was to symathetic to blacks back in the day. Everyone was derived from the same creator, some good and some bad. how can some on this board claim to be christian and hate so many groups of people.
  4. Good thing President Lincoln didn't use this logic!
  5. maybe this news may have helped also.   [Hidden Content]
  6. Steve, do you understand that minorities are not the only ones on welfare?
  7. There is sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed
  8. This is what Exxon Mobil announce at its baytown facility last year. Exxon Mobil is the largest public  company in Texas. [Hidden Content]
  9. Maybe slick rick will make another unsuccessful bid for the white house. hopefully with sarah palin or ted cruz for a running mate!
  10. its the only outlet that people like stevie have
  11. thats pathetic saddog
  12. [Hidden Content]; speaking of crimes
  13. [Hidden Content]; typical
  14. maybe because over 1800 americans died in katrina [Hidden Content]
  15. low information voter=anyone who does'nt believe everything that fox news tells them.
  16. almost every major company around here is hiring and expanding....
  17. [Hidden Content]
  18. November 4th 2008. The citizens of the United States elected Barrack Obama as the 44th president of the United States. If you pull up the you tube video and look at the crowd in Grant Park, Chicago ill, this crowd was not just made up of african americans. This crowd was mostly caucasian. This crowd had people from all walks of life. White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, Gay, Poor, Rich.......Untill Republicans become for all people, everthing they try to accomplish will fail! Believe it or not conservatives are not all right and everyone else all wrong!
  19. Mr Nash where were you in 2007 when the economy was crashing. If Mr Bush was doing such a great job, there would be no Obama. The only reason that there is a President Obama is because of President Bush. If Obama had ran behind Clintons two terms he would not have won...
  20. Its simple for republicans, stop losing elections. stop being the cleveland browns of politics.
  21. Why do republicans claim to be so religious, but have so much hate for others. All Blacks are not on section 8 and running around with free phones. All poor people dont get handouts. All poor people are not Democrats. Republican poor get free stuff also. All bad things in government didn't start in 2008. Why don't you guys just come out and say it.............and you know exactly what Im talking about!
  22. The Republicans constantly complain about free stuff as though the poor Republican slave states don't enjoy the many benefits of them. Rural Republican states take in more than they give.    [Hidden Content]
  23. Mexico and Cuba
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