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Everything posted by warriors#22

  1. ok how is that it would be a very good game mark could play on warrens varsity this year
  2. yeah my boi mark blacksheir wud kill that chase kid
  3. ok i didnt call anybody out but b 4 real every 1 on here knows i can kill him
  4. k y yall wanna talk all this crap about my lil brother wen u have no idea he is i mean he is not the best in the world but he is good so if he couldnt beat that lil kid i will bet 100000000000000 dollars i can so jus stop talkin
  5. cody what did i tell u dont listen 2 what people say on here u cant chance that jus go play ur game and stot talking crap
  6. well thanks 4 all yall saying im good i really dont think im that good, but this question with my brother really aint fair i mean we play 2 different posistions im a forward and he is a gaurd and i think he has a better set shot than i do but i mean i dont know if he can score as much as i did because his height but he can put up pretty good numbers.
  7. if i make it that would be awesome but i don't play just to b on the top 25 list there r more important things 2 worry about like getting ready 4 district and making the playoffs but thanks 4 thinking that i should b in there
  8. this is matt andrews we on the team know we dont have anything locked up we know we are going to have to come out and work hard caus evrybody is going to be good
  9. i realy was not tryen 2 brag i dont even think im that good i was just saying what evryone on here has said and what iv ben told
  10. ok hoopskid1 first off i didnt say that i was 1 of the best im just saying what poeple on here have said and i dont brag just 2 let u know ok but yeah about passing class i think im doing prety good well i realy dont think that im that good but i gues alot of poeple on here do jus go look at the posts that say andrews ,and sims but i mean im sure ur right
  11. hi my name is matt andrews and i am looking for a new tournament team to play for if any one has any info just post it on here or call me 1936-465-0479 thank you
  12. we had some kids on JV that were prety good brandon young he is a awsome athelite then blake riley the kid is like 6'2 and a great rebounder then u got my little brother cody andrews yeah he is only like 5'5 but the kid can shoot better than me and poeple say i am 1 of the best shooters in the areia so watch out 4 all them boys next year
  13. i think we will be good we will b playing alot this summer and puting the work in on days we arnt playing we have a great coach so i think we will be good
  14. yeah good luck 2 you 2 yall should be prety solid i cant wait 2 play
  15. i think are district will be verry good and iv seen how evryone has ben downing the jackson kid from d-ville but i think he is a verry good player but he will have 2 come 2 play caus we aint gona give him nothing and caleb nobody is braging about me paul and brent geting seckond team all-district but it was a great district
  16. we have alot more than me and paul we have travis, brent, caleb, and some good jv players comeing up like my boy blake riley he is gona b a bad dude
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