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Everything posted by 643

  1. Crowders coach probabally threated them with having to walk back to Mo. if they lost again...WW
  2. Good job Blue, he could be called 'quick draw'...WW
  3. Don't know what bayou 'that' is, as there are about 5-6 on the La side, we have been getting reds at the mouths of most all of them for the last month or so. We have been gettn them on pumpkinseed gulps, TTKs and DOAs in rootbeer/chart paddletails. Did pick up a lost Flounder in East Pass on E shorleline 2 weeks ago. Have heard of specks being taken drifting the reefs. good luck n tite lines...
  4. If Ex's are considered Ronnie Anderson would be among the top...
  5. I'm sure the big penality he was refering to was the loss of lisc for several yrs, this WOULD be huge to me not the money...WW
  6. We've been gettn our Reds on most anything pumpkinseed or rootbeer/chartr tail, I do feel like a flavored bait will do better if the fish misses the first attempt, I picked up some DOA scented tails in rootbeer/chart from Academy in Ned, thats what all our fish came off of Sat. I have thrown a few gulps lately but didn't stick with m cuz no chartr tails. Last fall we were getting flounder on the Sardine or Herring Gulps. BTW in the last 3 w/es we have caught up to 2lb bass along with a 11lb bluecat in the same places we have been getting our Reds
  7. I saw a couple of oboats launching at 23rd. i have been fishing at Laguna harbor. Dont tell anybody ;D 23rd you must be taking about the old Shirleys bait camp ramp, I figured you were catching them in the area when you spoke of the bridge as its the ONLY one in the city of Bolivar with no fishing signs...
  8. I have watched a few games and think some parents will line-up and put on knee pads when talking to a new coach about their son. The same parents are the VERY ONES that when their son takes a called 3rd strike screams from the stands "thats OK you'll get m next time" this makes me want to PUKE. I have on more than a few occas listened to parents try and sway a HS coachs thinking, I'm not saying some don't need help as they were gave the task of coaching BB but most DONT. TASK is the key word and its something your seeing less of as your seeing more HS coaches with a BB background, to them its not a task, its a love of the game...
  9. 1. 50 yrs ago I chased HR balls landing in Ave A comming out of the Bmt Exporters field. 2. 47 yrs ago I played ny first LL game in Minglewood park and went to my first Big League game Colt 45s v/s Cards (Stan Musial) 3. 22yrs ago coached my oldset sons first game and I was a nervious wreck!!! 4. 10 yrs ago I watched my yougest son pitch against Albert Pujois with the winning team advancing to the JUCO series, Pujois went 0-3 with 2ks, 1 week later I watched my son pitch complete game at the series, saw Techsun17 trotting around bases with a huge smile. I was a nervous wreck at both games. 5. Last summer I watched my grandson play his first LL game. I was a nervous wreck
  10. What boat launches are open?? We've been doing OK on Reds at Sabine, from what I hear you have to be extra carefull running in E Bay...
  11. I have been trying to keep up on it, I sold a offshore boat becuz of all this crappolla, I downsized to a 23'er and can still make short runs inside 20 as I'm thinking you can also. IF the feds take over Texas waters it could also lead to other things besides snapper, as as it is now you can't keep a redfish outside 9 miles. The NMFS is watching out for the E Gulf as now we have Florida Comm boats unloading their catch in S Texas ports, do you think they catch their fish over in the E gulf and bring m here to sell?? There is also a project you need to support of placing arti reefs inside of Texas waters to support snapper along with other fish a good example of this in in place in Ala as 40% of the total snapper caught come from inside there 3 mile state waters. heres the link [Hidden Content] or you can join 2cool fishing and stay up to date on huntn and fish issues among other things [Hidden Content]
  12. A good catcher will make the guy on the mound better, no dought...WW
  13. Hope it all goes well for you guys this w/e!!! Ang. Coll. is a great place for pitchers with Coach Livins exper with the Astros, will be a great learning exper for both pitchers n catchers...WW
  14. At the Gulf Council meeting yesterday, nmfs (Crabtree) stated (for the record) that if the state "partners" don't get in line and match their waters and seasons with the feds, that there is a "very good" chance that there will be no federal red snapper season because the 2009 quota will be reached in state waters before the June 1 federal opening. I am not posting this to get into one of the usual _issing contests on here about how they can't do this or that. I just want Texans to know that our state commision is going to find itself under tremendous pressure to rethink TPand W's position on our state's red snapper fishery. However you feel about this issue , you need to be letting folks in Austin hear from you. The Commercial guys can fish yr round and NEVER reach their quota...Hmmm imagine that, once again its us recreactional fishermen that takes it up th yawah. We are looking at a 2 week season as it is and with the weather we have had in the past summers you MITE be able to get out a cpl of times. This would most probabally wipe out whats left of the 'headboats' that the ave Joe get to take his kids on. In the Lampson meeting last year NMFS reported Texas had less than 200,000 lbs of snapper harvest, now Tex & fla state seasons account in excess of 2,000,000 lbs or whatever the current tak is. Actually, Crabtree's real colors are starting to show. My opinion is he is absolutly seething that Tex & Fla are not bending over for him so now the vindictiveness is coming out and he is manipulating numbers any way he can to tell his story. Now he looks just plain rediculous. Problem is he is trouble until we can get the ear of the media to get the word out or organize a defense fund to go after injuctive relief. I hope that everyone will take a minute and send an email to : [email protected] [email protected] at the end of your email please ask them to forward your comments to the commisioners...WW
  15. You gotta love shootn them Grey ducks when no Mallards are around, they come to a call well...WW
  16. What did you guys do, shoot your retriever ;D nice bag of birds, I see sprigs n Widgeon but whats in the BIG pile ?hens...WW
  17. Don't EVER forget San Jac in Div 14
  18. What they need to unveil is TALENT...WW
  19. It was 1 game the other was in 98, I really don't think it was the weighted balls although Pattersons out now due to lingering issues. The day after he came home with elbow blown out he had to have emerg surgery for a hernia he got lifting in the fall, when I told Dr Andrews of the hernia surgery he sugested that could be the cause of the tear by trying to pitch with it, altering his mechanics, it don't take much when your at 93-95. It was the constant scar tissue buildup after the Tommy John surg that led to him being released after 2 yrs with the Rangers.
  20. Lets see 97, could it have been Beau Hale on the mound (11th rd pk for the Yankees) Jessie Floyd (another prospect) yes on Chad Landry. I don't think there has EVER been a stronger rivalry between 2 schools in them few yrs...
  21. Close BUT no cigar, the first yr HJ was in 4a the game with PNG was at Lamar, Lynn Bouillion was behind the plate with a 'shoebox' size zone or thats what another ump in the stands called it, Lane McKeller started for HJ J. Moye finished, don't rember who threw for PNG, next yr game was at PNG, HJs pitcher was J Moye >(my son), Kyle Stutes threw for PNG, Brian Golke mite have closed but K Stutes started, Patterson (wearing a RED shirt) behind the plate (threanted to thro Rainey out the second inn for complaining about a call along with complaining on his strike zone) Earl was a base Ump that game. You are correct about Carney's K and with all the scouts in the stands I knew what the outcome would be after I saw him swing at the first pitch, Jay Stone remembered the 1 he hit out-of-site at the PNG tourn early on that yr and knew Carney wouldn't swing at a pitch on the outside corner cuz he couldn't pull it. I would rather have seen Spivey at the plate, at least he would have made contact. BTW Carney was all-state in 97...adminbaberuth you got it rite...in trivia your suposed to do just what you did you thru us a curve and it got hit...thanks
  22. Probabally be the same as in the past cpl of yrs, this yr it was the last w/e of muzzleloading season...WW
  23. HJ was in 4a in 97 & 98 went back to 3a in 99, I can't remember HJs coaches name that yr but he was in your asso a few yrs earlier. The reason I know its 98 is thats when Jeff was drafted after his senior yr. I can still remember who was behind the plate at most of the games. You n I met at WBs field in 94 and you were behind the plate and Robinson was the field ump...WW
  24. You have anything on the Flounder proposals, last I heard it would be a closier for Nov to the giggers. Seems to me IF TPW wanted to help the fishery they would make Flounder a 'game fish' and therefore close the season for the commericial guys, this itself would save the Flounder as it did the Specks n Reds yrs back. Thanks for the info on hunting, I, a bowhunter am thankful for the desicion BUT I also have a grandson that will start hunting this next season, with the youth season as is, I see no problem in hooking the boy up, my biggest problem would be getting him from Houston to Hardin county.
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