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Everything posted by 643

  1. This all happened in the 1999 season cause I played for Buna in 99 and that was my senior year. You are correct, Dennis your off a yr>>could be old-timers, in 99 HJ dropped down to 3a, in 97 HJ played PNG @ Lamar, McKeller started for HJ, Lynn Bouillion behind the plate, in 98 HJ played PNG @ PNG, Jeff Moye pitched for HJ, Kyle Stuttes for PNG, Patterson behind the plate, both 97,98 HJ was in 4a and the enrollment was one of the smallest in the state for 4a, actually there were 3a schools with more enrolled, in 99 they dropped down to where they should have been>>HJ going to 4a was all about MONEY.
  2. good catch 643. i fixed If for trivia, you have it wrong in the 98 season, HJ played in 4a and against PNG for Bi-Dist. @ PNG...Can't remember the score BUT my son took the loss for HJ, Stutes got the win for PNG. Brent Carney took a called 3rd stike on the outside corner to end the game with the winning run in scoring position...
  3. Needs to be in the leagues rules and should start at the lowest level. I coached at Buna LL, Vidor Pony and it was in the league by-laws, I also coached at TC yrs back but I really don't remember how it was, what I do know is it dont matter WHAT you come up with and NO matter how much sense it makes it wont matter at TC if it don't match the few who run the league. 4 example: it dont matter what your record is thru the yr, or who wins the end of season tourney, they will give the All-Star team to whoever they want no matter what they did thru out the season...
  4. Did you forget 97-98??? 2nd and last yr in 4A for HJ
  5. Hey Eagle, next time your there look for a small tribute of a close friend of mines son, he played at West Brook and then for Coach Levin at Ang., he was killed in a car wreck up there, last time I was there (97) they had just got it.
  6. Correct, some can't hang when they find its no 'walk in the park', no graba$$ing. I attended my sons first practice @ Seminole State in 99, there were kids puking everywhere. The freshmen found out quickly this would be a little more than HS, the first week several quit...
  7. yea im pretty sure the hurricane screwed us over lol ..... Actually the hurricane will help us on the upper coast next yr as most of the Water Hys?? has been flushed out opening up waterways, potholes ect. What I was refering to was ICE covering most water up north of us forcing the birds South. Why do you think there are more birds after season, its NOT because of no hunting...
  8. If you want birds, there needs to be a total lockup on all water N of the Red River for at least a week
  9. All the talk of the Dominate bucks doing most of the breeding is BUNK, just how many does do you think a buck will breed in a yr. IF you answered less than 3 you are correct, with the actual # being less than 2. People used to think a buck left the doe after the deed to seek out another, in fact they will stay with the same doe till she is completly out of her cycle....I have a cpl of places I can hunt, one is in San Augustine Co and the other is within 2 miles from my house in Hardin Co. I would love to hunt down the rd BUT there is NO management whatsoever, we have does that go unbred yrly, also have permits left over yrly. The property in Hardin co was owned by a group of guys from Miss and were well versed in quality whitetail management, the new owner dosent really hunt but his Bro and his son are self proclaimed experts who although just started hunting know it all and would shoot a small forked horn buck OVER the 10-15 does standing around. Last yr towards the end of season the 18 y/o son who had just shot a 4pt asked me why they can't see any big bucks, I think I pizzed both father and son off with my answer. My answer was "if you keep shooting the deer you have been there will NEVER be any">>>this is not rocket science
  10. You can say what you want, BUT the #1 answer IS large antlers when asked what do you want in whitetail hunting....
  11. The property we watch and try to manage went to permits last yr after a visit by the local TPW bio. The old owners are from Miss and are well versed in quality whitetail management, saw the problem the 2 yrs prior and asked us to set up a meeting with the Bio., after a ride around the property he saw our problem, in a month or so we got the permits so as to be able to watch and select the 'rite' does to take off the range. We see lots of Does with no fawns and this is due to not enough bucks to go around which I guess is typical for E Texas. The problem we have now is the new owners Bro and son are self proclaimed deer hunters that WILL shoot at and sometimes hit 1 1/2y/o forked horn buck OVER the other 15 or so Does in the food plot>>>what gets me is they will ask "why can't we see any big bucks". A week or so back I sat in a stand to take a Doe or 2, I saw 3, 1 1/2y/o bucks: 1 spike, 4pt, 5pt, and a 2 1/2 y/o 8 pt, I made the mistake of telling the owners bro of the young bucks I had seen and how in a cpl of yrs they would be some respectable bucks considering 2 of the deer were forked horned @ 1 1/2 y/o. His 18y/o son now sits in this stand when he hunts to try and take ANY of the 4 bucks and hoping the 8 would show. When he's not hunting I will sit in it and if any of them come out I WILL shoot between their legs and hopefully educate the deer as I've tried to educate the hunters BUT they already know it all. I can't wait on the horn restrictions!!!!!
  12. I'm (we) in for salt water and them hardheads fear me....
  13. I'm thinking the Stros should send a cpl of pitching scouts to Iraq, some new 'arms' over there...
  14. I hunt to kill. but I don't have to kill to enjoy the hunt...WW
  15. I'm sure poop will hit the fan when TPW implements this, all I can say is its several yrs late. On the property we manage we see more than a few does with no fawns along with a few imature bucks, the does without fawns is a direct result of not enough bucks to go around and the spikes IMO is also a result of this as most spikes are late born fawns. If people would let the imature bucks walk and take out some of the does we would see deer like they have in S Texas in less than a few yrs. I guessing on the place we try and manage we have about a 10-1 ratio and unless we get the new restriction I don't see a change in the future...
  16. No black cat was ever in the taxidermy shop in Lumberton....ever. 2 Mountain Lions n both came from out west...
  17. That's what I thought... at least in state waters. Thats exactly why I started this thread, although on hold (4 now) it will still be 'State Waters' but with limits, seasons and fishing controlled by the Feds>>which has been a 'Trainwreck' in the last 20yrs.....
  18. I'm sure the comercial guys will love you for that, afterall its their fish and the NMFS will call you a liar cuz there is no sientific evidence to support your statement.
  19. Wife n I missed a limit on specks by 1 Mon from noon till 3 close to the end of jetties on the La side, used live swimps under poppn cork....
  20. 100 lb shesh that a good one, and good for the table if you take care of correctly, I took a cpl out with us and boated about a 75lber, that was the LAST shark I allowed on the boat. When I brought him in the 'tuna door' the first thing it did was latch on to the corner of my big cooler and shook it like a toy, I then slid it in the fish box (coffin) and thought he was gonna beat the sides out of it. IMO its just too dangerous if something was to happen 60-70 miles out.
  21. I think people still give their hard erned $$ to CCA becuz what they have done in the past, if most knew what goes on behind the smoke screen I'm sure things would change on the direction their going. What I don't get is they are for keeping us off the water and giving the comercial guys free reins. BTW nice Kingfish pic on the 'other' site...WW
  22. A cpl of days back the GOMFC voted to strip our rites as Texas fishemen and take control of our state waters. Texas Waters as defined by the Spanish Land Grant and adopted by the US Congress - one of the first things to happen when Texas was admitted to the United States, that seaward boundary is 3 leagues, or to us common folks, 9 nautical miles and beyond that the feds control the EEZ. Currently we have a 365 day, 4 fish limit of 15" on Red Snapper in Tex waters and beyond there is a 2 month season for Recs with a 16" 2 fish limit. This law is aimed at controling our Red Snapper and falling inline with the Fed regulations...they have mismanaged the EEZ and now want to infringe on our rites. If this all comes to play there is a very good chance the laws concerning Redfish and Sharks will be controled by the Feds (no Redfish and 1 shark per boat) While all this is going on the commercial guys are enjoying NO closed season, 13" length and a voluntary quota which NEVER seems to reached. BTW for you CCA guys, the CCA voted to go with the more restrictive limits on Recs while voting for the new laws for the commercial guys. Next will come the closier of parts of the Gulf including the Flower Gardens and once again the CCA has aligned itself with enviro wackos and is all for the closiers to make a petting zoo in areas from the beach out 200 miles (MPAs) Dont we have ENOUGH Gov in our lives now????
  23. Moore Plantation would be a good start, I hunt in Sabine and San Aug counties and can say after the first cpl of w/es you see very few hunters up that way in the National Forest...
  24. For the surf, go down towards the ferry landing, turn on Boyt Rd, which is opposite of the rd to Bolivar Yt Basin, turn towards the jetties, go to the 'washout' and fish either side. You will need to be early, or you can hit the beach anywhere in Chrystal and turn towards ferry, drive slow and look for 'nervous water' or birds. BTW don't forget to get your parking permit if your gonna stop anywhere on Bolivar Pen.
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