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Everything posted by 643

  1. If he was projected to go in the first rnd someone would have picked him up before the fifth, and no way he's taken in the 5th and get 1st rnd $$, I dont think even Scott Boras could get 1st rnd money for a player taken in the 3rd much less the 5th. Someones got their wires crossed on this story no dought. You can look up what exactly he signed for on the web, I cant remember what site but its for sure there, mite check Baseball America.
  2. Hey D, wouldn't it really matter on the rules on the level of play?? Sometimes no appeal is required for you to 'ring m up' and other times a proper appeal has to be made no matter what.
  3. So what your saying is signing with a college has no bearing on round selected or $$$....BS, its called bargaining power. What your saying is you take boys of the same talent level with one being a graduating senior in college and another comming out of HS that has signed a letter with ??, or a second yr JUCO player who has also signed with a D1, or a Jr in a D1. The first player will go in the higher rnds simply because the graduating college player has no where to go (no bargaining power), therefore he will go in the higher rnds and offered less or go home unlike the others who still has eligibility left (bargaining power).
  4. Although I havn't followed the draft in a few yrs I wouldn't say it would 'work' against him but I would say most all players drafted have signed with someone. I do know for a fact before the end of 'draft n follow' rule the school selected does matter to some teams on rnd selection.
  5. Thats the rite attitude to have, I promise you the 'treehuggers' won't sit back and do NOTHING, as a matter of fact they're hoping you won't take the 2 minutes to voice your concern. Heres a post from 2cool fishing, PLEASE read...I live in southern California and these animal rights folks are closing huge amounts of land not only to hunting but all human activities, google the Mojave Desert Preserve. Their latest accomplishment is the closed zones off our coast which are expanding, these are called MLPA's, Marine Life Preservation Areas. Trust a stranger here, consider them the devil and never trust a word they say! they are smart, organized and well funded! They target the most productive areas for closure, which lead to more people fishing/hunting in smaller less productive areas which eventually causes more people to stop fishing and hunting! I know you folks in Texas have a passion for your hunting and fishing, so never take what you have for granted and never turn your backs on these people!!!
  6. I really think you would be very hard pressed to find better, no matter how long they've been at it. I wished HJ had a opening when he became available.......
  7. Thanks for the sticky, now what I'd like to see is some Golden Tri names on the petition, I'm in the 220s. Our Texas Pres has already declared 140,000.square miles off the coast of Hawaii, this area will never be fished again. This could become a serious problem for us here as we're in reach of some of the best fishing in the nation. This closier is creating a petting zoo ONLY for both E n W Flower Garden Banks, Stetson Bank among others for now and they are pushing and suceeding in closing strips of OUR Gulf from the beach front out for ??? miles offshore.
  8. Our Texas President is in line with the Enviro Wackos to shut down MAJOR fisheries including the Flower Gardens among MANY others. Heres a link to a free site with info on all Texas outdoors, both hunting and fishing along with other topics very much related to what we here have grown to enjoy. This is a highly moderated family site with 30,000 members, you will have to register and takes about 3 mins. This link will take you to the thread concerning Pres Bush and what he about to do. [Hidden Content] another taking you directly to the petitions site [Hidden Content] we need your help in keeping the gulf open for our kids and grandkids, if this petition passes the entire gulf will be Zebra striped with no fishing zones including fishing for anything from the beach out. thanks in advance
  9. Our Texas President is in line with the Enviro Wackos to shut down MAJOR fisheries including the Flower Gardens among MANY others. Heres a link to a free site with info on all Texas outdoors, both hunting and fishing along with other topics very much related to what we here have grown to enjoy. This is a highly moderated family site with 30,000 members, you will have to register and takes about 3 mins. This link will take you to the thread concerning Pres Bush and what he about to do. [Hidden Content] another taking you directly to the petitions site [Hidden Content] we need your help in keeping the gulf open for our kids and grandkids, if this petition passes the entire gulf will be Zebra striped with no fishing zones including fishing for anything from the beach out. thanks in advance
  10. How many area HS coaches actually played college ball, Im thinking you can count them on one hand. Do you guys actually think with the rules UIL has in place a HS coach has time to teach 'the swing' or recongize a minor flaw in a pitchers mechanics and correct ...some can do one but very few can do both, most don't know themselves. Without dads and 'summer ball' any HS coach would be hard pressed to field a competive team out of your ave HS talent. Most players that go to the next level are noticed in the summers before their Sr yr not on a HS team be it in a camp or showcase, and this is something a HS coach has nothing to do with. A HS coach sould not have to teach fundimentals (most can't) just take what they get and run with it and the ones that do well is a direct result of 'offseason' work.
  11. Good read, truely sad to say the least. This could also be the last yr to fish the Flower Gardens among other areas in the Gulf, due to the CCA aligning with the enviro wackos and now our Pres is on board with them to make MPAs in the Gulf. The CCA also took a stance to shorten our (Recs)season and give 365 days to the Comms in the EEZ with a IFQ (volentary quotas) which they never seem to get. Here is a site that stays on top of issues facing Texas sportsman. [Hidden Content]? is a good site and Tx based with 30,000 members.
  12. How can you come here and bash a camp that has helped more than a few kids in our area not to mention 100s in the Houston area not to mention it was started by 1 of the most respected coaches that has ever picked up a Baseball. Since you brought up money...by the tape and teach 'Brags way' yourself and get rich but don't complain at the finished product. As far as Sour Lake being the host field, the reason is, Coach Bragg and his crew was welcomed in SL 15+ yrs back.
  13. Any mods have any pull with anyone with ESPN, or ?? reason being theres a video ESPN along with others made of John Henry Williams debut in the Minors and someone very close to me was the opposing pitcher for the Rangers. This was made in Ft Myers Fl in 2002 at Bostons field. I tried but was a 'no go' with ESPN, I'm thinking someone could locate the video with more search skills than I have. thanks in advance
  14. I was wondering when the news would be out. Congrats guys
  15. I have no idea on the shrimp you mentioned but IMO when your in them it dont matter what you thro, same way when your not in them it dont matter what you thro. I will say I found out my dog loves them, he ate all but the wrapper. BTW we did catch 7 flounders @ Sabine Sun on the ones that look like a 'mud minnow'
  16. Griff, you got to get that boy well in time for him to find you a deer, our thoughts and prayers for all.
  17. 200k Hmmmm Do you actually know how high he would have to go to get that kinda $$???? Also a player with 7+ speed is not considered a prospect for hitting. There has been multiple pitchers out of this area hit well in HS (500+) that never touched a bat after. Agree 100% on education but some players are not scholars and go to school in order to play ball. MLB used to have a provision in the contract concerning schooling after MLB play and this was directed in them getting HS boys who mite want to go that way. With the changes in signing periods this mite have been removed but I dought the players union would back it.
  18. What a great first post... I surely didnt meen to dought his ability and would surely hope he does get drafted, my comment was he is 'uncommited' and if you would look at the history of the draft you would mite find a few drafted boys that are uncommited in the last 10-15 yrs. Seems as if a lot of guns been on him for him to be uncomited??
  19. Although I've never seen Lott pitch and just read where he's a LHP, being Left handed you will get the same looks throwing a consistant 88 as a RHP throwing 90-92 a good example is Josh Girdley from Jasper as he was consistant at 87-88 . >adminbaberuth< concerning redrafting the same player, this too must be part of the new rule cuz mine was drafted by the Yankees back to back in 98-99, the first time we (I) was told after rite after his last HS game he would be taken after the 25th and then again with a call the nite before. The second time we were in Grand Junction when we got the news the Yanks had redrafted him. I'm sure not all are notified BUT if your a prospect the Orgs. will do some checking on signability among several other things. If drafted in any rnd and If playing in the MLB is what he's after, a yr at a JUCO would be his quickest way in barring injury not to mention opening doors to more D1 schools. IMO a player with + tools should sign with both D1 and JUCO and if drafted make the desicion then, hopefully Lott will have a decision to make come then.
  20. Thanks, 643. I agree with your assessment...not as good for the high schoolers. It totally sucks, I used to study the draft when we were in the mix, I wasn't aware they had changed the rule till I was told on here last yr. I didn't think the system was broke.
  21. They had the gun on him in Vidor and he touched 90 several times.... I still believe he needs alittle polish but there's alot of future potential there. Is he signed to play somewhere...if he's touched 90 several times he most certainly would be of intrest to several D1s without a dought.
  22. I have a question...maybe you guys can help me out. I understand or I'm aware of some of the rule changes not all. My question....A player is drafted in the late rounds by say the Astros but does not sign, goes to Juco instead. Do the Astros hold a right to talk/negotiate with that player before the next year's draft and before any other MLB club does ? Used to be that way with none of any other teams org being allowed to talk to player or family member. I have no idea why it was changed. They used to be locked in with whoever drafted up until a ?? (date) after schools out with a exception of playoff teams and then only 24 hrs after completing tourn. In our case the draft took place during the 99 Juco seriies of which he went in a higher round but didn't sign. The second trip to the series in 2001 he had 24 hrs after being elem to sign with the team that had drafted him the yr before which he did. I dought MLB was behind the new rule. IMO it sucks for the HS players.
  23. Good info MIF04 and rite on the $$ if you'll also look back most that do get drafted are usually signed with a D1 and a JUCO school in the early signing period or at least with a JUCO. With the new rules, projectiblity is somewhat out the window for a team to 'draft-follow-sign' a player that grows as expected with a season in JUCO.
  24. Who have the above mentioned signed with??
  25. Heres a link to San Jacs stats [Hidden Content]
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