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Everything posted by 643

  1. All comes down to a good pitching coach and Vidors got one with coach Green and undoughtably he's got coachable, talented pitchers.
  2. The first base coach can appeal to the umpire at first base that he pulled his foot. If the field umpire feels like it is justifiable he can then go to the homeplate umpire and ask for help on the call it is standard practice and happens from T-ball to the majors. It was a very good game that had a few bang-bang plays that could have gone either way and both "Teams" not fans were very classy about it. Parents can also learn from their kids sometimes. You are correct up to a point, a coach can appeal all he wants BUT the umpire that made the call don't have to ask for help...period. In this case the umpire that made the call went imediatly to the home plate umpire before any appeal was made and this IMO is good umpireing and I wish I could see more of that. On another post it was said one ump overruled another, this was not the case here, he asked for help. BTW NO umpire can over rule another on ANY judgement call.
  3. Can't comment on the game other than it looks as if it were a good one. I will comment on the umpire asking for help, I wish this would happen more, the first base Ump came to the plate umpire to see if he had a better view on wether he pulled his foot....plain and simple. Like I said this should happen more BUT it don't, I have seen many games where the ump was out of position, made the wrong call and refused to ask for help, in this case the 1st base Ump clearly asked for help immediatly. In my yrs I have ragged the Umps in more than a few occassions BUT I also give praise when its deserved and IMO the Ump asking for help clearly shows he wanted to get the call rite and what more can you ask for. Good job BLUE....
  4. I guess all the OF boys are in the first row @ church praying for some luck as thats what its gonna take..BUT I'd much rather be lucky than good!!!
  5. Shouldn't be a surprise as your coach was one of the best pitchers to come out of Lamar and very good at teaching it.
  6. Good show by HF, take back a cpl of pitches and its a whole new game. Another close game for HF against another top ranked team.
  7. I'm sure if a dream it will come true soon and expecting your guys to be movn on up.
  8. A offseason weight program is one thing but heavy lifting on game day is for sure NOT the way to go about it.
  9. Hmmm, 1 helmet to protect the whole team, what do ya'll do ifn you get a runner onbase, hopefully you guys have more than the 1 bat mentioned. HF has lost to 2 teams in the top 20 in the state (by the polls) one of which was by 1 run in extra inn, in Jasper was a tite game into the 5th until a bad pitch and a good swing. If I were the coach I would be the one throwing helmets.
  10. I don't see how a pitcher could let him get the ball down on a suicide, not to mention it was the go-ahead run.
  11. When I did coach I have had the other team while holding runner on 2nd with SS, the SS will come around inbetween runner and pitcher to hide pitchers move to the base with the 2nd baseman sneeking in to cover for a pick-off attempt. When doing this the SS will cross baseline returning to his positition, if timed correctivly the runner can attemp a steal, only to find the SS in the baseline. Thats about the only time I can see the SS in the baseline with no one on 3rd.
  12. The coaches that ignore fundamentals are NOT HS coaches, as IMO they should not have to teach this, A HS player should bring good sound fundamentals, this sould be taught at home or in the Summer Leagues.
  13. I'm no umpire but I will answer your ? IF after you broke towards 3rd, you looked up and saw the SS (without ball) in the baseline, although trying to avoid, contact is made and you fall, you should be awarded 3rd. There are a few KEY words used in above, one thing to keep in mind is you will have a designated baseline (str8 line) as you will be leaving second base not rounding 2nd, when rounding 2nd your baseline could include the normal SS position. I would NOT sugest you push the SS down as that could be ruled as malicious contact or intentional. This is a 'judgement call' and ball remains live. The above is how I would coach a player BUT will back off now and get the official ruling.
  14. NO COMMENT Clean is something you don't see much in HS ball anymore, its a 0 in the last collum of the line score....
  15. I guess it could happen on the corners but would now be a judgement call on a clean miss but NOT if touched by defensive player. What if runner kicks ball unintentionlly after it touches a defensive player??
  16. I would love to see either of them 3 get a bunt signal. I would have to disagree on A Everett, all he would have to do is hit for ave. You see a lot of Pro players sons emerging as very good prospects and this is directly related to their dads knowing what it takes to get there.
  17. This won't be a 'walk in the park' for Silsbee, if they go into the game thinking that they WILL have a rude awakening. IF both teams play 'clean' HF will take this one. On another note IF Custer would have had machine guns it would have been different there too.
  18. In a perfect world a HS coach should not have to teach just expand on whats already in place and that starts at home in the back yard. I know in my case I have no idea how many hrs(days) I spent with my 2 along with others. I don't think a pitcher would get better throwing BP up to a point as BP is just that. I would be hard for a coach to watch mechanics along with trying to correct problems in both pitcher and batter and watch a batted ball. I have seen a player stand in B box in the pen on more than a cpl of times in college, even in Pro ball they move the Bp pitcher to about 45' for the hitters. When my son played I attended Spring trainings and did see Minor league pitchers in game situations throwing BP to Big Leaguers but this was intended to help the hitters as all pitches (not location) were called out so the hitter would know whats comming, I can't speak for all orgs but that was the way the Rangers did it then. I too know that when the Astros got Joe Morgan yrs n yrs back he would stay hrs after practice taking up to 500 ground balls dailey making him one of the best 2nd basemen ever. To be good in BB it takes hard work, lots of it and if you don't want to work go play Batmitten.
  19. Heres a twist to the rule above, a batted ball down the first baseline, pitcher is in the baseline attempting to field the ball, runner closing in he picks the ball up and drops it, contact is made, runner unintentually kicks ball towards firstbaseman who tags runner. BTW what Dirker did by questioning the rule is sad not to mention embarasing at the MLB level, as IMO this is elementary. MrUmp I know the answer to the above I just threw it out there to see what responses would come.
  20. I was thinking he was thru at the JUCO level, did he 'redshirt' one of the yrs there?
  21. MrUmp, I thought you would see it as I do concerning saftey, on another note it WILL happen somewhere in Tx and just hope it doesn't cause a career ending injury or end up in a courtroom somewhere as it has in the past. Hopefully it can be adressed in the State meet with UIL before the uninevatable happens. I too know you or the assco don't write the rules just inforce whats there and whats sad is sometimes it takes a injury to get things done. I still have a very hard time accepting why this rule was changed. thanks
  22. Good job by Bender and great job by the defense behind him, its so much easier to pitch when you know you have a solid defense behind you.
  23. I too think 'fundementals' has left the game, and what gets me is even in Pro ball THEY CAN NOT BUNT, sometimes I think they don't want to bunt therefore not getting the ball down. On the dbl plays in HS, VERY few middle infielders know how to set up to recieve and thro and the one fielding knowing which side to thro the ball to and this is huge in cutting down a cpl of steps on the runner. You see outfielders set up WRONG under a ball to make a thro therefore giving the runner a xtra step. I was taught a good player makes a hard play look easy, but today you will see players make a easy play look hard, I was also taught you drive the ball and if it goes over the fence its a bonus. Hitters no longer know how to hit for the team, 'hitting behind the runner' or 'getting the ball in the air' depending on situtation. I watched one of my favorite HS players trying to hit a 'walkoff HR' the other nite at HJ the opposing coach recongized this immediatly and countered with the end result of a 'K'. I have heard 'chicks dig the long ball' and its sad but true.
  24. It still hasn't been adressed on a thrown or batted ball, surley this rule just refers to a thrown ball or would a batted ball fall under the interference rule. In elhectors post, the old rule would have forced the runner to go around with no penalty on either, the new rule puts the defensive player in jepordy when trying to field a ball and contact would certainly happen 99% of the time 'to sell' the obstruction rule, if the runner goes around a 'judgement call' would have to be made by a umpire that is sometimes not in position to make the call...which DOES happen using a 2 man team. I still think safety was thrown out the window with this reversion of a rule that was not broke, thus adding more to you guys already hard job in applying the rules.
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