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Everything posted by 643

  1. I for sure agree on contact but will have to say its a change of a rule that was not broken. I too know that kids are taught NOT to run around a player (without the ball or a incomming ball) in the baseline. The new rule or exception IMO completly ingnors the safety of a defensive player trying to stay focused and field a ball without having to worry if he's in the baseline or wether he will catch the ball before the runner gets to him, whereas before the defensive player could stay focused on the ball without the above possibilities and make a play, afterall the runner has to only glance once and see where the ball is. Surely this rule just pertains to a thrown ball and not a batted ball as IMO they are one in the same. BTW my comment on contact with a fielder in the baseline was not ment to 'take out' a player just make contact afterall most games are umpired with a 2 man team and you guys have a hard enough time keeping watch on all aspects going on, with the old rule if the balls incomming its a no brainer.
  2. Understand baseline as home to first is the only marked baseline and runner makes the baseline and has acess to 3 ft either way. Catcher dont have to block, just straddle it BUT techanicly the runner should have to slide whereas any other base he's subject to Obstruction. Maybe contrary to the rukes in place now BUT the other way IMO is safer for fielder trying to field incomming ball. Somebody will get run over this yr and possibly end a carrer and the runner will say he was blocking the baseline.
  3. So what your saying is (ex) say a catcher is down the line towards 3rd a cpl of steps to catch incomming ball and its going to be close he has to decide who will get there first, IF he gueses wrong he's obstructing the baseline, IF he's right the runners out and risk ejection for his action for contact. Seems as if there will be safety issues here after all that IS the reasons the old rule was in effect and now going back to the MLB rule. I'm not speaking of malicious contact just contact. Seems as if UIL just made it a little harder on you guys.
  4. I too think it was a great game with the typical blunders on both sides you expect early in the season. HF dodged several bullets with their coach playing % ball with the int walks and useing the bunt effectivly on several occassions. All in all was a good game, well coached on both sides, I'm sure glad I didn't have a kid on the field as I would have been a nervous wreck.... been there done that. No blowouts on ANY 3A games, seems as if all the games could have been won by the looser with a single swing of the bat.
  5. You had mentioned in the "Balk rule" thread refering to Obstruction about a fielder not having poss of ball in the baseline, surely they have NOT changed the rule when the balls is inflight to a fielder in the baseline, have they??
  6. Saw this used last nite 3 times by HF and was not surprised in the least, HJ only got 1 run (I think) but avoided big innings. Smart move by the HF coach but as I've said in the past, he plays %age ball.
  7. Hmmm I gues we know who each other is now and your last reply IS what I was looking for in a answer. Concerning the situtation in your ?? I would call the game!! On another note, shouldn't your sig read "when in dought ask for help ;D, I know you will agree with mine. See ya around D
  8. With all due respect, I must be missing your point somewhat on "reading a players mind" the Balk Rule is pretty simple on 'decieving batter or runner'. I do agree on telling the coach BUT it would be after the Balk was called, as pitching should be nothing new to a Varsity player in a Varsity game. I to am a ex in both and a son of a 30+ yr ump and honorary lifetime member in your org., so I too have seen the game as you have, but if I were a varsity coach in a varsity game and a umpire warned the opposing pitcher I would be asking for time. BTW would your initials be DS
  9. NEVER>>>NEVER underestimate you opponent. This is a dist game and the tourn meens absolutley nothing.
  10. So basicly no change, hasn't really been a change since the comming to 'set' in the stretch, this IMO gets overlooked. No warnings should be issued in any Varsity contest after scrimages. Its not the umpires job to intsruct, just inforce the rules inplace.
  11. Didn't think it was a arguement, its was just my opinion in how to pitch in this situtation. I'm thinking you let one (gas) get away inside on a batter and after he gets up off the ground he'll be a little leary on crowding it again especially when he sees the catcher setting up there again.
  12. Thanks for the Tom House referall, and as a matter of fact his 1st book was one of the first books I used for training my son. I really don't see your point in making it harder for a pitcher to go inside with offense crowding the plate, as a pitchers dad IMO it would be harder for a batter to crowd the plate when knowing a pitcher will have NO problem throwing inside, if theres a problem going in, every batter should stand with heels on the inside line. I know this is HS ball but you seem to forget the 3 things that make a pitcher good is location, location, location, and if you miss your spot, you miss IN.
  13. Unless its been changed all is required is a verbal pass made to ump.
  14. Have read a few post on the 'new balk rule' help me out here, what have they changed, or added. Always has been anything decieving to batter or runner. ?????
  15. You can't say the offense takes the plate away by crowding it, the ONLY way they get it is the pitcher gives it to them. He better get used to it and take back whats his, he should have hammered the inside black with a few pitches 'getting away' and if you miss >>you miss inside. Its called good pitching and good pitching beats good hitting ANY day.
  16. You mite try around the Platt River area as I'm sure its loading up wit m
  17. I'm thinking its about time they start playing 'up' as a 5 / 0 record could be decieving...
  18. Not commenting on the present coaches BUT some in the past if they were arrested for being a BB coach, they would have a inocent man.
  19. K Buck in both defense and offense>hands down....
  20. Its called % baseball.
  21. You didn't mention Stan Smith, Rockies out of HS. I think he grad in 97 maybe 98.
  22. A umpire with a consistent zone is IMO what a coach wants to see out of ANY umpire. A pitcher or batter should not have to adjust each inning, should get better as its still early in the yr.
  23. Hosed by ?? the hitters or a tite zone??
  24. Here ya go
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