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Everything posted by 643

  1. Was you a member of the 'breakfast club' in 99, did you play against Albert Pujols in 99 ?? If so the pitcher 'Zero' used against Pujols used to live with me before he went off to Seminole>> maybe your roommate. Hmmm.
  2. Where did you play and when. Reason being I met Ryan Franklin @ Seminole St in 99 who had left there in 93, that same yr 99 saw John Lackey pitch in JUCO series. Don't mean to discredit your post just asking.
  3. Eagle07, you mentioned the mental part of pitching and that in itself is huge, this only comes from some 1 on 1 time with someone thats been there. Why do you think there are so many ex pro players kids in the pros, its not from pull, its proper training both physical and mental starting at a early age. Although good mech will get you more MPH, longevity, bad mechanics will get you, torn elbows, bad shoulders and if you can hit you'll be hid on first base the rest of your HS playing days.
  4. Your correctamundo.
  5. I have had a opper to hunt in Kansas on a cpl of occassions but never followed thru. There were some boys my son played ball with in Kansas that took some NICE deer while there. My son is good friends with Adam LaRoach (Pirates) and we were invited to go up and hunt on his place but dont know if I'll be able to go and its still up in the air with my son. Maybe next yr. I think Kansas was the last state that allowed out of state hunters and does rank high on the list of B&C deer taken.
  6. Theres not enough Katsup made, to make it taste good.
  7. I will have to go watch Anthony Fazio pitch this yr, I played with his dad (a pitcher) 40 yrs ago and will say Sam has him on the rite track working with a ex Pro pitcher. The only other guy I know that threw in the low to mid 90s as a Jr. was Josh Becket, I'm sure there are others BUT surely just a handfull. If he's consistant @ 90 he will go high >no dought.
  8. I do know when you look at Skinner, you think I bet that kid can bring it. Tall, lanky lefthanded what more could a coach want. He needs to put more emphasis on his pitching not hitting, the pitching will take him where he wants to go, not his bat. I mite be wrong but don't Sam Moore teach or specialize in hitting??
  9. Everyone needs to catch 1, I've caught 3 and hope I dont EVER catch another especially when your on fish, you will have to sit down awhile. They go in the class with Sharks n Kings >>Ive caught them and really don't care to catch another.
  10. Jigs Evans @ Arrowhead Archery in Warren, been in busn longer than anyone in the area, he has no overhead and passes the savings on to you.
  11. Good question, considering the age diff in the players listed and where they are from. Had to be college ball. Inquiring minds want to know
  12. Skinner has the makeup to make a good pitcher, BUT needs some help to bring it out. His mechanics do need work and with some proper weight training (for pitchers) he could bring some serious heat. No way he touches 90 now, maybe mid to high 80s but that could be a stretch. I spoke with his grandpa a month or so back and was told he was just playing on a fall team. What I don't understand about most kids 'who could be BUT never were' is related to not seeking professional help and training, to many people,(parents n coaches) think they know it all. I knew enough about baseball to know I didn't really know anything about what it took to properly train a pitcher to get to the next level. Its only money BUT in my case it was $$ well spent.
  13. I will have a cpl of leases available next yr, both here and in the lakes area. 2 2000+ acre plots in Hardin Co and 1000 acre East of Pineland on the Lake.
  14. You got someone that thros in the 90s>>I'm a Pentacost Preacher tooooo.
  15. Or a big Loggerhead. WW
  16. With the Timber companies selling their land as they have been the last cpl of yrs, the days of BIG hunting clubs will soon be a thing of the past. Hardin Co Wildlife Pres >>HAD<< 10,000 acres 4 yrs ago today they are down to less than 4,000 and will loose another 2600 this next yr. WW
  17. Went down to Sabine Thurs to do a little work on my boat, counted 12 vehicles at Kieth Lake ramp. Hmmm something must be biting for that many boats on a weekday.
  18. The clover we planted went to seed, you posted yours was 7"tall, that should tell you something, the wheat we planted NEVER got over 2" tall as the deer kept it eat down.
  19. I bought 1 last yr after hearing how good they are but at this time I can;t comment one way or the other as I havn't used it. I was talking with our land owner who said he hunted in Canada last yr and the mosq were horrible, he mentioned the mosq to the outfitter, the outfitter had several for clients who didn't have their own and he hooked him up with 1. He told me he was amazed how good it worked and would never leave home without 1 again.
  20. IF we had the birds the liberal limits AND the weather we had in the late 70-80s and IF I had the endurance I had then, for me it would be the ducks without question. I too remember the days of full straps of Pintails or N Mallards depending on what you wanted that day, to me there is nothing that compares to a Greenhead dropping them orange feet, or a flock of Pintails making one last pass and then doing the 'falling leaf' into your block of deeks. I was blessed with a dad that loved to hunt and as a kid he hunted as a way of life. I have deer hunted since the age of 7 and took my first (4) off the YO @ 8y/o and I'm 54 now. I have no idea how many deer I have taken but have kept track of deer taken with a bow and hoping to break 40 this yr. I guess I'm burnt out on deer but I still enjoy hanging on the side of a tree in my Summit waiting on a big n. In todays world all you need to have to get you a big deer IS deep pockets and IMO in the near future you'll have to have deep pockets to hunt anything.
  21. Should have said compete rather than beat. Compete>> yes they will, no dought.
  22. If Ricasso would get some help with his mechanics he would be a force to contend with, he thros hard with his arm but if he would include his body he could possibly go some where. He's good at basketball but about a foot and a half to short to go to the next level. His dad was supposed to have played (pitched) in Minor League ball BUT it sure don't show in his sons pitching mechanics as it would be very easy to get at least 5mph more out of him with a tune-up.
  23. When my son played for Mike he had always kept a spot open for a Golden Tri team although mine played for the Lone Star which was coached by Bruce Lambin which was 1 of the teams that played @ Bayland Park (Kyle Chapman Pony) Kyle Chapman is somewhat run by Mike Rutledge. I no longer have a contact # for Mike or his program, you mite do a search on Kyle Chapman. I will say you had better not bring a school team, if you want to compete bring the best from the area. The year we (son) played, his all star team had 3 first rnd picks and will say at least 1/2 the players were drafted. BTW this is a 'showcase' Fall league and is for the next yr seniors with the reason being it gives the scouts an idea who to follow in their senior yr.
  24. So basically he doesnt want any athletes........
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